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"That's your starters gentlemen. No more bets" Arthur announces. And a guy rushes up to the table Charlotte was sat at, "I was here on time" the guy says, "we are finished" she tells him, "I got a tip off, I need this beat." The man pleads, "the race has started, bad luck" Charlotte replies, "please" he begs, "no" she says, "bitch. Fine." the dude says knocking her glass off the table. "Get out." Charlotte says. "She said no. Now get out." Arthur says pushing the guy away, "I'm off, I'm off." The guy says surrendering seeing Tommy coming over walking away grumbling something.

"Hey Aunt Poll, where's John?" Charlie greets. "He's at the Garrison, wants a meeting about a family matter." Polly tells her, "Scudboat, he'll be here in 10" Polly says, "5" Tommy corrects as the 3 exit the house.


"Alright John, there's only one man guarding the house. What's troubling you?" Tommy says pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Clearing his throat, John starts to speak, "Polly, you know what it's been like. Since Martha died."
"God takes the best first" Polly says resting a hand on his. "Truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours" John sighs, "Pol, give him ten bob for some new shoes. Is that it, John?" Tommy says. "Don't be so insensitive. Git." Charlie scolds earning a proud look from her aunt. "What's your point John?" Polly asks. "What the kids need is a mother. So I'm getting married." John announces, and the other Shelbys share confused looks, "does this poor girl know you're going to marry her?" Polly questions. "I've already proposed and she said yes." John answers. "I feel there's a shell about to land and go bang." Tommy says lighting a smoke. "It's- er. It's Lizzie Stark" John says downing his drink, as his family start laughing, Charlotte managing to hide it quite well until she made eye contact with Arthur. "John, Lizzie Stark is a.. strong woman, and I'm sure she provides a strong service for her customers-" Polly says but gets interrupted, "I won't hear the word. Understand? Do not use that word." John says, "What word is that John?" Tommy asks as Arthur was still laughing with Charlotte. "You know what word that is" John mumbles. "Everybody bloody knows" Arthur chuckles from his seat, "everybody can go to hell" John replies, "Whore. That word? Or prostitute? How about that one?" Tommy smirks from behind his little brother. "Right. I want it known, if anyone calls her a whore again, I will push the barrel of my revolver down their throats. And blow the word back down into their hearts." John threatens looking round his family. "Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me. John, Lizzie Stark never did a days work vertical-" Charlotte says, "she's changed. Alright. People change" John tells her. "Like with religion." He adds standing up.

"Lizzie Stark has got religion, eh?" Tommy says, "no. She doesn't have religion but- but she loves me. Now listen Tommy, i won't do it without your blessing. But of all the people in the world, I want you to see it... as brave." John announces, "oh, it's brave all right." Arthur laughs. "John- brave is going where no man has gone before, and with Lizzie Stark, I'm not sure that's really what you'll be doing." Charlotte says snickering as she looked between Arthur and Polly who were struggling to contain themselves. "Listen Tommy, welcome her to the family, as someone who's had a hard life, all right? Because I need someone- the kids need someone." John says, ignoring the laughter and speaking directly to the boss of his family.

The door bursts open and the youngest Shelby comes in panting, "Tommy, Lotts. We've been done over." Finn breathes out, "What?" Arthur says standing up, "Finn, stay away from the house okay?" Charlotte tells him, as the whole of his family rush back to their home, leaving him stood alone.

Seeing Scudboat on the floor bleeding from his head was not a sight Charlie enjoyed, although looking tough and doing some fucked up shit, the man was always nice to her and seemed invincible. She got him into the closest chair with the help of Arthur as he was slowly starting to come around.

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