12: Never in a million years, Black

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I sipped on my drink, ignoring Austin's guilty stare yet again. I could tell he wanted to talk to me about what happened earlier, but Sasha and Tara were the best bodyguards anyone could ever ask for. Anytime he approached me, they were by my side immediately.

He was angry, to say the least.

But I didn't mind their craziness this time. I needed to take a breather from him. He took Lindsay here just to hurt me. He gave that long-ass speech, just to hurt me. He did all of that on purpose because he believed everything Tom told him. He believed everything my bully told him.

Little did Tom know, we weren't all that different. I was left behind too and the only reason I was taken in, was because of my mother's fear of public humiliation. If she didn't live in the public eye, I would surely be in a foster home or something by now. My father was nowhere to be found and my grandmother died, what other option did I have. That's right, I had no other option. I had to go live with my mother, despite hating her.

What surprised me more was Richard...

How could he leave his dying wife?

Why did he only take Gina with him?

Why did he choose to abandon his son?

I had so many questions whirling around in my mind.

I never took Richard for such a heartless man. He was never lovey-dovey with me, actually, we've never even had a full-on conversation before. But one thing I knew about him was that he wasn't mean. He was never rude or cruel. Actually, sometimes he was the one to tell my mother she was wrong in arguments with me.

To say that I was now beyond disappointed in him, was an understatement.

"Can I please talk to her?" Austin begged Sasha through gritted teeth. She stood in front of him, blocking his way to me with a furious glare. I stood there, staring at the scene as I sipped on a fun-looking pink cocktail. Caleb made me the drink, telling me it was going to rock my world.

That may have been a little overexaggerated (as is everything Caleb says) but it was definitely better than drinking beer or hard liquor.

"Leave her alone, Black. You've said enough to her already" Sasha shook her head at Austin's constant begging.

"Fucking hell...I just want to clear things up! Can you all just fucking let me speak to her for a fucking second!?" He exclaimed angrily, catching everyone's attention.

Aaron appeared by my side, frowing st the situation."You okay?" He asked me. Austin glared daggers at Aaron, which only ticked me off more. Who did he think he was?

His fists were now clenched and his knuckles were turning white from the pressure. I was suddenly afraid that a fight would break out. I had enough drama for one day...

"I'm fine guys" I spoke to everyone, not just Aaron."Enough of this, okay? I just want to relax tonight, and I want you all to relax too. I have no hard feelings toward Austin. He said what he said, I heard him loud and clear. Now can we all go back to being drunk and happy?" I groaned.

Everyone glanced at each other before nodding and visibly relaxing.

Thank God...

Seb walked in through the front door and all attention switched to him as everyone greeted him and questioned his late arrival. At this moment, Austin took his chance.

"Tina" He began.

"Austin, please" I groaned, annoyed by how the night turned out to be.

"I'm sorry, okay? It was stupid of me to believe him. I didn't know both sides of the story. I mean, I still don't...but that's not the point" He struggled to formulate his thoughts into sentences."The point is...that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been such an asshole about the whole thing. Hell, I shouldn't have even dug through all that. It was none of my business. I'm really sorry, White. I really am" He frowned at his own words.

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