40: You're going to be alright

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I stared down at my trembling hands as the car swerved multiple times. My pale, bruised fingers were clutching my phone as if my life depended on it. Well, it kind of did.

''Any luck yet?'' He snickered from the driver's seat.

I shook my head, a tear slipping down my cheek. As much as I hated to admit it, my phone was as useless as this whole fucking plan I came up with. I mean, look at me! I was in Jared's car, probably on my way to my fucking death.

''Oh, darling! Don't dare cry over them. They're all a bunch of useless idiots anyway, trust me. Now you...you have potential. I'm telling you, I know a star when I see one!'' He winked, a wild look in his eyes as he spoke to me.

I stared into his eyes through the rearview mirror, my mouth turned to a scowl. ''I'm...not a star'' I gathered enough courage to speak to him for the first time since he shoved me into this car.

''Oh, that's where you're wrong!'' He shook his head, grinning.

He repulsed me.

''You are a star, alright. And so...so much more. You'll do great in my nightclub, I promise. I can already see it'' He nodded, squinting his eyes as if he started picturing my future already.

I refrained from throwing up as I watched him blabber on and on about the potential I had in his sick, filthy, criminal world. It made me sick. But I had no choice.

If my plan worked, everything would be settled.

''So, what made you call me?'' He asked, taking a sharp turn around the corner. I flew to the opposite side of the car, cursing under my breath. He chuckled at the sight of me scooting back to my spot. Was this why there were no seatbelts in the backseat? To see people kill themselves from hitting their head of a window or something?

''I have a deal for you'' I began, cursing the tremble in my tone.

''Oh, is that right?'' He glanced at me, interested. ''And what would that be?''

I knew he loved deals.

''You let all of them off the hook, and I will be your new guinea pig. You can make me do anything. I'll do it if it means they'll all be free to go'' I swallowed hard.

He appeared to be surprised.

''But no double-deals or anything. This is the only deal that will stay, all of theirs will vanish'' I gulped, getting out the last thing I wanted him to know.

''Why are you doing this, girlie?'' He asked, interested.

''Because I want my friends to be happy'' I clenched my jaw as tears filled my eyes.

''Aw! How cute!'' He cooed, before taking another sharp turn. ''What good are you to me, though. I doubt you can do half of the things I get my people to do'' He smirked.

''Try me'' I raised an eyebrow, forcing a brave face.

He smirked again, staying silent for a little while.

''I won't disappoint. But you have to promise me'' I spoke again, impatient.

''Hmm...I'll think about it. In the meantime, I need you to do a little favor for me'' He clicked his tongue and I realized we were entering my street. Soon enough, my house came into view and I gulped in fear.

''What are we doing here?'' I asked, my hands trembling more than they did before.

''On a job'' He smiled, turning to look at me once the car was parked in front of my house.

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