Letter 1

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Dear Y/n,

I see you are new to the schools News Paper team lol

I hope that your stories won't be as boring- this school needs some spice.

Big hopes and wishes,

Komori :D


You gave him your number, and the day went on as usual.

The boy gave you this vibe where he seems chill and fun... but he was hiding something.

You were still a rookie at this new paper thing, so all you did was watch people go out through campus and spy for some drama..

You opened the letter during lunch, and didn't think anything of it. You realized that he wrote his number in the note as well...

How nice

You walked home, entering your house as you put your bag down. Your back aching from all the books, you went and took the letter and put it on the dining room table

You fixed yourself some (tea/juice/water), and some snack before you went off to homework.

The letter sitting on the table

An hour later, you couldn't help but think about it

The letter seemed all kind, but it was too short for any fawning over

You went and collected it to read it again before you studied again.

Admiring the penmanship, how neat and cute he wrote certain letters

Ugh not you about to simp for his handwriting 💀

Ok I'll stop

You put the letter on your desk as you tried not to think of it..

Thinking of Komori would distract you

Till you heard your phone ding

***: is this L/n?

You: who is this?

***: ah sorry! I messaged you first. It's Komori. From school

You: mhm..

***: delivery boy. Yk

You: oh you

You: hey Komori

Komori: hey L/n :)

You: it's like 5pm don't you have volleyball

Komori: I'm about to go home actually, coach doesn't want us to over work before nationals

You: ah understandable

You: Komori-Kun, how's it like being a delivery boy

Komori: it's like you getting drama from news papers

Komori: not so exciting until someone actually spills

You: You just reminded me I haven't opened the other letter. I only opened yours.

Komori: Lol. Okok. Go open it. I can message you when I get home

You: ok


Dear Y/n,

I congratulate you for having an official spot in the club as a reporter & writer. Meaning you won't print unless we ask/you wanna switch jobs

Please contact News Rep for more details and how we can get you on the headline!

If that's what you want. A lot of people like to be behind the scenes

There are multiple delivery boys here, so don't let them flirt with you. Once they get some drama out of you, it's all over the headlines.

Best hopes!,

News Club

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