Letter 4

251 20 37

A/n: sorry for the slow updates

Dear Y/n,

I haven't felt this way with anyone before

I can't control how much I like you.


Headline: 3rd Year Johnny was jealous of 2nd year Mark's butt so he made one of his own

You were just reading the letter you gotten, while Komori stood next to your locker with the schools paper. Shocked


Komori held the schools newspaper in his hand, you hitting him over the head with one. You pointed at the main main headline

Delivery Boys refuse to be held responsible for love affairs

Now that wasn't accurate

Delivery boys just don't want to be held accountable if Tiffany doesn't get her secret admirers letter the next period

Komori scoffed as he saw that

"Do you know How many girls wanted me to deliver huge boxes to their crushes? This admirer thing is too much." He says honestly,

his ears red as he knew that all the girls that gave him letters were about to beat him up if he kept talking

"I think it's nice. As long as they aren't creeps." You muttered


"What did you get this time?" Komori asked out of curiosity. He tried to hide his feelings of jealousy by asking you about your admirer.

This time, it was a very pretty rock. It was quite smooth, you sliding it between your fingers. You smiled a bit

"You know, penguins initiate I think forever love by giving their other a stone."


Komori... got that fact from a children's book.

But it was a cute one

You smiled as you held the stone to him, you giving it to him.

"Feel it, it's smooth."


"Ugh it's like paparazzi!" Komori complained as you and him walked out the school. He already knew that kids with cameras were behind you both.

"Just let them do their thing, it won't be so bad once you get home." You muttered, you both took the bus since it would be a faster get away.

You both were wrong

They were still there

Komori wanted to make a plan with you, so he casually whispered

"Let's... give them some content." He whispered, you not knowing what he meant. He grabbed your hand, people hearing small gasps

"Like what?" You asked. He chuckled as you keep questioning his actions

"Like.... history?"

Like a Prince, he bowed as he grabbed his hand. Kissing the back of it.

"Let's make history shall we then?"

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