Letter 5

225 15 9

Dear Y/n,

I get excited when I make plans with you

I wish you knew how much I really do care

Headline: second years, Komori and L/n openly admit that they threw admirers letters off the school roof!

"YOU TWO!" A girl shouted, you and Komori were just walking down the hall.. pretending you didn't throw off the hundreds of letters off the school roof...

"Huh me? Noooo.... what Senpai?" You realizing this was a third year who was making a fuss, you shutting up as she scolded you both.

But remember, when someone is yelling at you, just think that Everytime they shout their butthole clenches.

"MY Partner- well they aren't my- LET ME EXPLAIN.." She was mumbling a lot, and you didn't have time..

You sighed as you watched their mouth open again

"Please... uhm.. tell me they threw away all the letters..."


You guys didn't...

The letters were sent to the schools office for "inspection"

What's worse is that now Komori would have to deliver more letters..

"I don't get it Motoya... do we have to-"

"Duh. They are trying to make me deliver dildo's and illegal shit now."

He wasn't wrong lol

The weird shaped packages he now has to carry a small rolling cart, he couldn't handle it anymore.

So guess what he was gonna do?

Place them at the lost and found

As he should

You both took the boxes, small and big. Heavy and light.. then Komori stopped..

He held a box with pretty ribbon, it was almost as big as his hand and you can hear a type of small object as he sighed



He went up to you and made you open your hand, palm up. He carefully placed the small box, it pains him to see you have a weird look on your face.

"Is this from them?" You ask, he shrugged since there was no name, just yours.

"Open it, I can handle the rest." You stared at the pretty box as you hesitated to open it. Komori could feel the awkwardness, so he just played it off.

This time it was mittens.

Nice ones

They were your favorite color, and had heating inserts for when it is super cold.

You checked in the box, and there were heating pads in there as well. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you now know you don't need buy new ones.

"What's inside?" Komori asked curiously, you holding up the mittens he laughed. Seeing your eyes be a bit greatful, he enjoyed that you were happy.

"Ok.. done. Let's get the bus, before it-"

Oh no...



"Rains..." Komori whispered the last part as he saw the grey clouds fill the sky. Worst weather during the winter, you both tried to make it to a close building before rain started.

You both feeling the coldness from the nearest class, thunder erupting as the classroom lights shut off...

Power outage.

"Damn it. I was supposed to go to practice today." He muttered, you sitting on a desk you watched him make a few phone calls before sitting next to you

"Everyone is in the auditorium... Y/n, would you like to go there?" He asked, you shaking your head no. Evening like this classroom is better than sitting with hundreds of stuffy kids.

His bag was wet, a little thump as he placed it on the desk. He had a few items, a hat, and a scarf for emergencies. He gave you both.

"I'm very sure the heat will turn off soon, so uh.. use these. Unless you want to catch a cold. I'm very sure you have common sense though."

He chuckled after that, you letting the scarf sit on your lap as Komori looked around the room for something to do.

Oh don't get like that reader

I don't think he would want to "do you" as of right now.

Komori motioned you to sit in the corner of the room, his back sliding against the wall as he lowered himself. He put his knees to his chest, being like a little ball.

You sitting next to him, you can hear him shivering as he pretended to not be cold. He was a bit soaked.. and under a vent.

"Hey.. you're gonna get sick." You say, wrapping his scarf around his neck better. His cheeks heating up as you adjusted his clothes.

You knew exactly what you were doing, and he didn't know how to handle it.

The slight touches were driving him crazy..

But he knew how to hide it.

"What, it's a little afternoon rain... I'll be alright Y/n."



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