Letter 6

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Dear Y/n,

When I look at nice clothes on the street

I want to buy them for you..

From the smallest accessory to everything

I think of you first when I think of nice things


"Dude. The person giving you these fucking letters must really like giving me paper cuts." Komori says, you looking down at his hands you see a few band aids.

Colorful ones

You took the letter, thanked him. Then put it away in your bag. The person who wrote to you mentioned shopping, and you were reminded about the mall having a sale.



"Why won't you tell me who gives me the letters." His heart dropped. You saw his eyes shift as he didn't say a word. It must have been a person you already knew, or someone you probably hate.

"This person, they give me the letter because they think you're very special. And they said not to say, because.. special people shouldn't have to worry about who likes them.. and who don't."

"You think I'm special?" Komori's heart beat increased in embarrassment.

"Very... You're very special."

Yall- if he don't kiss you rn. I'll make him have some sort of... angst.. ha



You saw his small grin as he admitted it. You realized how he was so vulnerable with you...

"Aish- don't go soft on me Motoya."


"It's the same shirt but red. Y/n, just because it's on sale doesn't mean it's good."

"Cmon- just give me your opinion." You scolded- out of this whole store you decided over two shirts. Either giving you a head ache since you couldn't choose.

That's when he took both shirts from you. Ignoring your complaints and whines. Heading from to the register.

"Is this all for today sir?"

"Yup. That's it." He handed the guy his card, you not wanting him to buy it for you out of guilt- he handed you a bag with the two items. Now dragging you out.

"There- see. Both shirts. Both happy." He says, trying not to smile... but failing.

You now dragging him to a store that was more his style....

Well you thought.

It was more for fancy items, and clothes- but they weren't so expensive. You also wanted him to get something nice for you know

Just in case

You let him go with a lady, your core a bit jealous as you knew she was on the cheerleading team- and the science club.

With that- she is very cute too.


She had a stable job here, and as she saw Komori.. a star athlete. She couldn't help but smirk.

"Let me take your measurements alright?" She took him to a private room. The boy waving at you with no worries.

Into a room, a curtain acting as the door. The girl took out a measuring tape.

"Broad shoulders.. cute." She whispered, Komori blushing as the unusual compliment hit him. She measured his chest- and then his waist.

"Small waist- Komori-Kun you are built-"

"Different? Yeah I know."

The girl went to the room- to get the options. She told him to wear the button up she gave a few minutes ago. The boy struggling to get the last one.

"Okok- would you like to try on the black, red or blue tux?"

"Black please."


"Wow you look great." You say, clapping your hands together. He walked down to you like he was on the run way and smiled.

"The drip is immaculate." He strikes a pose as you took a photo.

"Oi! Komori-Kun we still have more." The girl called back, Komori cursing under his breath as he waved out to you.

"See you."


"Aren't you a charmer." She whispered.



"No tell me what you said."

The girl embarrassed from getting caught... it was now or never

"We would be good together." A girl stated as she touched up on Komori. His straight face kept still as she went on. She fixed his collar and gave him a tie, fixing it up as he cleared his throat.

"What do you think?" She says, fixing a button.

"No." Oh- 🤭

"Why not Komori-Kun?"

"Because if we really stick through in the end, I'll make you heart broken." He ran his fingers through his hair as the girl scoffed, taking his measurements for his waist to get a proper coat.

"Maybe I will break yours." She replied back.

"Nobody can break my heart." Lies...

He just wanted the girl to go away so he can keep shopping with you. But until then.. he has to settle with waiting.


"Now tell me... why are you upset?" Sakusa asked.. the boy was crying as a crumpled up letter was in his hand. Sakusa isn't really good with people crying.. let alone a person he cares about.

"Have you fallen in love?" Sakusa asked... Komori staying silent. The boy getting back pats as Sakusa sighed

"I have a feeling you have."

A/n: I'm sorry for slow updates, I have school 😩‼️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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