Chapter 19. With the Blood of a Demon.

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Someone who uses or practices magic derived from supernatural or occult sources.

~No one's P.O.V~

By the time Y/n finally had found her way out of the rubble of the building she had been thrown into by none other than the Boar Sin, she heard whimpers above her.

Pulling herself fully up with the help of the broken down wall she had been sent through, she looked into the air, finding the mage to be struggling to move an inch, seemingly in pain. Then her eyes moved down, landing on the woman in purple, who held her hand up towards the mage, "Vivian, tell me where Princess Elizabeth is."

"She...'s in the king's room." Vivian answered, her body beginning to shake at the lack of air. Merlin lowered her arm, turning her attention to Y/n, who stood by the wall, "There you go." She smiled at the Dragon Child shortly before Vivian fell to the ground behind them.

She quickly stood back on her feet, hurrying away. It made Arthur take a step back in surprise, "Hey! She's running off!" He exclaimed, about to set after her when Y/n placed her hand on his shoulder, "Forget about her." Arthur tipped his head a little to the side, "Right now, we need to be focusing on rescuing Elizabeth.

Merlin closed her eyes, turning her head slightly away from Y/n, "Then it's time to get a move on." And so, the mage snapped her fingers.

The group of five were teleported from the ruined streets of Liones to the castle, all of them standing before the large double doors decorated with moons and stars on them. The king's sleeping chamber.

"Um, where are we now?" Y/n asked, not recognising the rooms in the castle after being away for eleven years. It's not like she really took the time to do so in the first place, but still!

"We're in front of my father's room." Margaret informed the girl, standing by Gilthunder's side if any sign of danger were to show up.

"I tried teleporting us inside, but it got deflected." Merlin stated, placing her hands on her hips, "It appears to be my unworthy ex-disciple's handiwork."

Y/n hummed in understanding, nodding to herself before stepping towards the door, rolling her right shoulder, "Okay, everyone stay back!"


"Huh," Y/n turned her head over her shoulder to look at Merlin, "Hang on a second, Y/n. Even with your raw strength, you couldn't breach this barrier."

"Oh, I see." She looked back at the large doors, "It's the Perfect Cube."

"The Perfect Cube?" Gilthunder questioned, stepping up beside Y/n.

"A spell from the Demon world, that can deflect any kind of power. Regardless of its amount." As she spoke, Gilthunder reach towards the door, his hand crackling with small lightning bolts. As soon as they made contact with the door, his hand was forced back.

"That's right! Even if you launched an all-out attack, it wouldn't sustain a crack. Better luck next time!"

Vivian's voice echoed in each of their heads, a giggle following behind it shortly after.

Merlin's lips pulled up into a confident grin before she moved forward, swinging the doors open with ease.

"Uh..." Y/n blinked twice, looking at the woman's back, "Didn't you just say we couldn't enter with force?"

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