Chapter 38. The Clouding Skies...

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~No one's P.O.V~

"B-But I thought you were defeated by the Demon King!" King shouted up at the Fairy, "Weren't you taken down during that battle 3,000 years ago?!"

"Are you from the Fairy race, too?" Gloxinia turned to the current King of the Fairies, his rainbow wings spread widely behind him.

"Just answer my question!"

"What you need to do is win this competition." Gloxinia responded, putting a smile on his lips as he did, "Then, if you wish for it, I'll tell you whatever you want." King gritted his teeth, about to yell at the Fairy once more.

However, he closed his eyes and lowered himself to the ground, deciding it would be for the best for everyone present to move on.

"All right, then!" Gloxinia moved on, speaking louder for everyone to hear him clearly, "Time to get this Great Fighting Festival started! Taizoo, you're up!"

"What's he doing here?" Meliodas asked no one in particular when the bald man walked up from behind the Giant to stand beside Gloxinia.

Ban walked up beside him with a lazy grin on his lips, "This might be fun! The only reason I'm even here is because of her," Ban glanced to Y/n, who petted Yakul's back while looking up at the people on the boulder, "Maybe I'll give this a shot too."

"Welcome, you bunch of savages, starving for a fight! The opening bout will be a two-man tag match! Are you ready?!" Much to Taizoo's disappointment, everyone remained quiet, "Oh, man... Tough crowd. N-Now then-"

"Wait a moment!" A shout cut Taizoo off. Y/n pulled Escanor towards her by the back of his shirt, saving him a second before Gowther landed where he stood a moment before, "Because Gowther has arrived!"

"Gowther? That name sounds familiar." Drole muttered, looking down at him.

M-Miss Y/n! Thank you for saving me!" Escanor smiled at her as she let go of his shirt. She smiled, "No problem, Sunshine."

Sighing at the sight, Gloxinia turned to Drole with his arms crossed, "Now then, Drole, please divide them into groups."

Drole lifted all four of his arms, "Two people per team, right?" He asked shortly before he clasped his hands together in front of him, "Divining Board Spell!"

At the shout, the ground cracked around everyone before the large pieces torn free from the ground began rising higher and higher into the air with two individuals on them, "Those standing on the same floating stone now are comrades-in-arms chosen by fate. Trust each other with your very lives, and fight with everything you've got!" Drole advised wisely.

"Comrades... You mean teammates, right?" Meliodas asked, having more meaning behind the word 'comrades' than to have a one-time battle with someone.

Ban placed his hand on top of Meliodas' head, "Yo, Cap'n. What do you say we kick a little butt?" Meliodas grinned, and the two high-fived, "Yeah!"

"You're going to drag a child into this?!"

"Wait, seriously? You know me too?!"

"Yes! I look forward to working with you!"

"I only came down here to deliver some alcohol... My luck has gone from bad to worse..."

"I don't know about that!" Escanor turned his head around, seeing Y/n standing behind with a cheeky smile, "Seems pretty lucky if you ask me!"

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