Chapter 10. The Start of A Festival.

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An organized series of events, typically one held annually in the same place.

~No one's P.O.V~

"First up is the elimination round! The referee will be yours truly, Love Helm!" The little man in pink exclaimed on the stage, "The rules of this round are extremely simple! Knock your opponent out of this ring!"

Y/n sighed at the man's long explanation, throwing her head back in boredom as he continued, "Throwing them out is fine! Push, okay! Or send them flying! As long as it's barehanded! The eight contestants still standing will move on to the finals!" Love Helm announced loudly.

Y/n turned her head, finding King to be whimpering beside her. She smiled, pulling him over by the hood of his shirt, "Don't worry so much, King." She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, causing his cheeks to be painted red, "Just stay close to me, okay?"

"Without further ado, let the elimination round begin!" Love Helm announced loudly and the crowd around the ring immediately began cheering as people ran at each other, shoving and pushing each other out of the ring.

Y/n was about to reassure the shaking King with a few words when a man came up, gripping her shoulder, "I think it's time for a pretty girl like you to get out of this tournament." He said with a grin.

Y/n sighed, elbowing the man in the stomach, he flew out of the ring and into some of the spectators in the crowd.

Y/n closed her eyes, beginning to walk around in the ring with a nervous King linked to her arm.

She opened her eyes when she heard Ban complain about his boredom as he picked his ear, "Hey, Ban!" She called out, getting the Sin of Greed's attention, "Make sure you pull your punches against these guys!"

Ban grinned as his left hand went up to his hair, pulling slightly on it, "Yeah, obviously. This festival wouldn't be much fun if we killed everybody here!" He agreed, Y/n nodded before letting the Sin continue with his fun.

Y/n heard a shriek from King and pulled him to her other side, spinning around, she kicked the man coming at them from behind in the chest, sending him flying into a second and third man, all three fell out of the ring.

"Y/n, look." Said girl opened her eyes, looking at the direction King was pointing.

A girl draped in a purple cloak and a large purple hat on her head was kicking men to the left and right within seconds, she had sent several men out of the ring and didn't break as much as a sweat.

"Talk about moves as fast as lightning! This one girl just knocked 10 men out of the ring all at once!"

"She's doing pretty good, huh?" Meliodas asked the girl, walking up beside her.

"Kinda scary." Ban commented, his hands stuffed in his pants as he walked up beside Meliodas, "I bet she's not gettin' a lot of dates." He joked.

Y/n's looked up at the man when she noticed something, "Hey, where'd you get that jacket?" She asked, Ban only blinked at her once, then twice. She opened her mouth to say something, but Love Helm cut her off.

"So, who is still standing in the ring?!" He shouted excitedly.

"We're nine." Y/n stated, taking a quick count. She lifted her arm from King and pried his hand off of it before taking a couple of slow steps over to the man she had got to know as Taizoo.

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