Ch 1

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The Titans stood in a loose semi-circle in front of the new villain. He was dressed in a sharp black tuxedo and held a black wand with a white tip. A tall tophat was balanced on top of a head of slick blue hair.

He looked like the type of magician you might find at a child's birthday party, performing parlor tricks while the crowd looked on in amazement. Except, this man was more than just a simple magician. He was a sorcerer.

This man was called Salt, a simple seasoning that had great potential for usage in magic, if enchanted correctly. Salt believed the name suited him, and he was quite fond of it, even if insolent brats like the Titans laughed when they heard it... 'They won't be laughing for long...' Salt thought to himself.

There was one reason, and one reason only that Salt had come to Jump city, and that reason was standing right in front of him. Raven. He could sense her power, it radiated off of her in waves. The others on her team didn't seem to realize the full breadth of her power, it was entirely possible that she herself didn't realize it, but Salt knew.

Robin shouted his signature battle cry, "Titans go!" and all of the teens rushed into battle.

Salt dodged attacks and sent minor spells this way and that, but he didn't really want to hurt anyone. He only wanted the girl. The petty crime he had committed had been bait to lure the team here.

Robin launched himself at Salt and rained down blows upon him. "Enough!" Salt shouted, sending out a wave of magic that sent all of the Titans to the ground. Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg all lay motionless on the hard cement floor. Raven floated back into the air and Robin leapt up and stood in a fighting stance.

"Azarath, metrion, zin- Raven was cut off with a wave of Salt's hand. A shimmering grey rectangle of magic appeared over her mouth, acting like a gag.

"You should have chosen shorter words to focus your power little one." Salt said with a smile on his face. With another flick of his wrist, Raven was tied up with heavy chains. "Now, you shall be mine."

Salt held his hands a few inches apart and a ball of magic started to form between them. He lifted the ball of swirling golden light and hurled it directly at Raven... but there was one thing he had forgotten about. Robin.

Robin jumped in front of Raven and the magic struck him full on in the chest. His body sucked up the golden light like a sponge placed in water. Screams tore through his throat, echoing throughout the building. Robin fell to the ground and curled in on himself.

"NO!" Salt screamed. His concentration was broken as he ran his hand roughly through his hair, tophat having been knocked off during the fight.

Raven's eyes glowed and she easily broke through Salt's chains and gag. Azrath, metrion, zinthos!" She shouted and Salt was encased in the blackness of her magic.

"Robin!" Raven yelled as she ran to his side. The other Titans were groaning as they sat up.

When they noticed their leader lying on the ground the other titans rushed to his side. Raven felt for a pulse. It was strong, and his breaths didn't sound labored.

Beast boy shook Robin's shoulder, trying to get him to wake up, but he simply lay there.

Cyborg grabbed Robin and carried him out to the T car with the rest of the titans following. Raven came out of the building with Salt in tow, still encased in a circle of black.

When they got back to the tower Raven locked Salt in a small cell. Cyborg had built it to be able to contain people with magic and she had even tested it against her abilities. Hopefully it would be able to hold Salt.

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