Ch 2

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Bruce pulled into the Batcave, carefully climbing out of the Batmobile and tossing his cowl onto a nearby chair. He didn't see Alfred anywhere, he guessed the man was either doing some cleaning or having his evening cup of tea. Bruce dragged a hand roughly through his hair and let out a sigh. He had been forced to end his patrol early since he couldn't be carrying a baby around with him while fighting crime.

Alfred called out a greeting to Bruce as he walked down the stairway that led to the Batcave. "You're back earlier than usual tonight Sir." Alfred said. The tone of his voice implied the unsaid question of 'Why'.

Bruce sighed as Alfred came over to him, offering him a steaming cup of tea. The ways of Alfred would always be a mystery to Bruce, how the older man always knew just what to say, and always seemed to have a fresh pot of tea at hand. 'Maybe that's Alfred's superpower.' Bruce thought to himself.

"Hey Alfred, I left a bag in the Batmobile, would you mind grabbing it for me?" Bruce said, trying to put off telling the butler about what had happened with the teen titans that night for as long as he could.

"Master Bruce, what is it that you have there?" Alfred said, setting the bag of baby supplies on the ground at Bruce's feet.

Bruce looked down at the baby sling that was wrapped around him. He sighed before moving the top and revealing slightly curly raven hair and a peaceful sleeping face.

"Master Bruce... are you sure taking in another child is a good idea?" Alfred asked. "Your hands are already quite full with Master Jason and Master Dick. Babies present quite a bit more work—

"Alfred." Bruce interrupted. "This is Dick." Bruce deadpanned.

"Pardon?" Alfred asked, completely confused. Last he checked, Dick was a teenager, not an infant.

"The Titans had an encounter with some sort of sorcerer... He took a hit meant for another member of his team and ended up like this." Bruce said.

"Oh my... Is there a way to reverse it?" Alfred asked, gently taking the sleeping baby from the sling.

"Not that I know of... but if there is a way, I intend to find it." Bruce said, a look of determination filling his features.

Alfred sighed. He couldn't help but smile as he looked down at the adorable child he held wrapped in his arms. "Alright sir. I will have dinner ready for you when you come up to the manor." Alfred said, grabbing the bag of baby supplies and slinging it over his shoulder.

Bruce walked into the manor and a smile appeared on his face when he heard Jason's laughter followed by Dick's adorable baby giggle.

Jason was playing peek-a-boo with Dick in the family room. Bruce watched from the doorway as Jason covered his face with a blanket for a moment before saying, "Peek-a-boo!" and letting the blanket drop. This caused Dick to erupt with adorable squeals of laughter.

Dick was sitting up in front of Jason and he reached out for Jason to pick him up.

Jason grabbed Dick and stood up, balancing him on one hip and bouncing up and down lightly, much to the joy of Dick who giggled again and began clapping his small hands together.

Bruce smiled at how his sons were getting along together. Dick hadn't been very pleased to learn about Jason in the first place, and Bruce had been uncertain about how Jason would react to the news that his older brother had been turned into a baby, but he seemed to be taking it well.

"Bruce!" Jason called, a big smile on his face. "Look how cute Dickie is!" Aforementioned baby was very cute, he had grabbed onto the bottom of Jason's sleeve and was gnawing on it while making adorable cooing noises.

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