Ch 4

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"Well lookie here..." One of two men said to the other. "I didn't know Wayne had a wife."

"He doesn't." Diana growled, holding Dick closer to her.

"Who are you then? The babysitter?" The other man said, leaning toward Diana and Dick. "Is this Wayne's baby?"

"What do you want?" Diana bristled, stepping back and turning so that her body was shielding Dick.

"Oh, I think we hit on something there." The first man said. "I didn't know Wayne had a kid. Or was this one adopted too?"

Diana knew she wouldn't be able to fight very well while she was holding Dick, but she also didn't know what these men were planning on doing. She definitely didn't want to risk Dick getting hurt, so her only option was to fight.

The first of the two men continued talking, but before he could finish whatever he was saying, Diana kicked out a leg and knocked him to the ground. The man got up faster than she would've thought, this time with a gun in his hand.

Diana tried to kick the gun from his hand, but the second man fired his weapon before she could. She cried out as a bullet pierced her side. Dick started screaming and crying too, Diana couldn't tell if it was because he was hurt or just startled.

The first man put down his gun and came at Diana with a knife. She dodged as best she could, but she was losing a lot of blood. Her eyesight was swimming and she barely registered that the man's swing had caught Dick on the cheek, causing blood to drip down his face, mixing with his tears.

While Diana had been focusing on the first man, the second one had gotten behind her. He raised his gun over her head and brought it down as hard as he could, knocking her out.

Diana fell to the floor with Dick still crying in her arms. The first man went in search of something to write a note on, and the second one grabbed Dick.

The two men eventually left Diana unconscious and bleeding in the entryway of the manor with a ransom note taped to the wall next to her head. The man who had grabbed Dick tied a wad of fabric in the baby's mouth to muffle his loud wailing cries.

"We'll have to make a stop on the way home if this little demon doesn't quiet down." One of the two thugs said to the other, chuckling at the implication of what he had just said as he drove off into the depths of Gotham city.

Bruce looked at his phone when he heard it buzz for the second time in the past few minutes.

'Security Breached; Front Gate' was written in bold letters on his phone screen, underneath which it said, 'Front Door Left Open'.

Instantly, Bruce's thoughts turned from the menial task he had been completing beforehand and he read the messages on his phone screen again. A breach in security from the front gate was most definitely someone climbing over the fence and tripping the motion sensors. Bruce had got that notification when Dick used to sneak in and out of the manor before he figured out about the motion sensors.

Not wanting to make a fuss about nothing, Bruce called Diana, hoping she would answer, but he was disappointed, and a bit scared, when the call went to voicemail.

A feeling of unease was growing in Bruce's gut, and he quickly decided that he should go back to the manor and check on things there. If it turned out that everyone was fine, he could simply work from home for the rest of the day, but if something had happened... No, he didn't want to think about that.

Bruce stood up from his desk and swept all of the papers that were on it into a locking compartment in one of the drawers before hurrying out to his car and starting the drive home.

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