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The kit arrived a few days ago, I took the test and the results will be arriving today. I called the CPS workers so they can know and come here. Haunui called and decided to come here to see what happens, I gave him my address and he came in his fancy, rich people car which was being driven by a driver. Haunui came in and we were both sitting down and waiting. An hour later, the kit came and so did CPS workers. They bowed to Haunui and greeted us then they sat down on the furniture, and once I saw the results, I, Haunui and the CPS workers freaked out. So many thoughts, so many questions, were in my head and I didn't know how to stop them.

In what world, am I, Vaipoe Sallow, biologically related to the Haunui Tehau. Like, we're close friends, sort of but I wouldn't have thought that we're related.

"Haunui, what now?"

"I must tell my brother, this is crazy." He said, as he pulled out his communication device and contacted the King.

He told him about the entire situation, I waited for his answer.

The CPS workers communicated with the headquarters to explain what happened. Haunui then asked CPS workers to give him the contact information for HQ and the company they worked at, in order for the King to double check.

Two hours later, the King called Haunui and told him that he found out that me being related to them was true and that there was nothing wrong with the test.

Haunui turned to the CPS workers and me and then immediately said: "The King, Aitoarii Tehau, asks for Miss Vaipoe Sallow, to come home with me to the palace."

The CPS workers told him that even though I am related to the royal family, they must make sure I am still safe so they told him that they will have to check on this to figure out if this is a safe environment for me and only then, can either the King or Princess can get custody of me.

"No need to worry, I will make sure to tell the King about this." Haunui informed.

A few minutes later, a car came. I told Haunui that I needed to pack something just in case but he told me not to worry about that because we are not sure what will happen yet and that if the king doesn't let me live with him and his family, then he'll probably order somebody to get my things and that if I do end up staying with them, he'll probably buy me new replacements for my items. The CPS workers came with us but with their own cars.

We both got in the te vaa and it was so big and comfortable. We were both speechless and didn't know what to say. I couldn't make out how Haunui felt about this circumstance but he seemed very numb and stupefied.

"So Haunui, how do you feel?" I asked.

"Let's just not talk about this now." He shut down the conversation and put his headphones in.

"Looks like small talk doesn't work."

The fancy car and the other cars stopped in their tracks when we arrived to the palace. We both got out of it and started to march thowards the palace with the CPS workers with us. My eyes widened and my mouth opened, it was huge and very beautiful. It had a garden and an ocean on the left side of the palace, which made it even more of a pleasant sight.

The entrance inside had a few paintings on the wall, some of the people on it I knew from History class. We kept walking till we got to a medium sized room, in it there was a table and The King and Crown Princess were both sitting on it. The King had light medium brown skin, dark brown eyes and dark wavy hair just like his twin sister. Haunui similar features in terms of skin and hair color but still not identical to theirs.

I was red in the face. I have seen them in photos but in real life? Well, this is my first time ever and first impressions are important, therefore, I must not mess this up.

I wasn't sure whether to bow or curtsy so I bowed for the King and curtsied for the Princess. I hoped I was right. "Good Evening, Your Majesty. Good Evening, Your Highness. It is a pleasure to meet you both." I said shyly. The CPS workers greeted them as well after I did. I felt like there was a tension in the room for some reason. Might have been because I had no idea how this was going to go.

I sat down and so did Haunui and the CPS workers. It was quiet for some time until the King started talking.

"Listen, Miss Vaipoe, I know this is something, you didn't know and neither did any of us. Believe me when I say, we are all just as shocked as you are. While you and Haunui were still on your way, I contacted the CPS workers you were with as well as HQ just to make sure about this."

I nodded to him in understanding.

"I know you and so does Vairani, as you are Haunui's close friend however he doesn't talk that much about you, would you like to tell us about yourself?" He asked me.

"My name is Vaipoe, I am currently fourteen years of age. I try to get high grades in school because I know that education is important. I like traditional dance and ballet. That's pretty much it." I responded to him.

"Very well." He said. "I'd like to mention to you that me and my twin sister, Vairani, have both made the decision that you will, you will stay here with us at the palace for now, as you are our half sister."

"However, there are some rules you need to follow: No prejudice towards others unless they are genuinely a terrible person. No hanging out with friends who are bad people as you will become like them if you do and I am sure neither you or any of us want that. Regardless of any scenario or person, you must always have manners. That's all."

What a list! To be honest, I liked his rules, they seemed fair and actually made sense.

The food came, and it was so delicious and appetizing. We ate firi-firi and other dishes such as Fafaru and Po'e. Despite my adoptive parents being upper-middle class and these dishes being popular, I have never tasted them being even more well done in my entire life.

I finished my food and so did the royal family. I kept still in my chair as I didn't know what was going to happen next or what I should do. The CPS workers talked with the King in his office and a maid came next to my chair, greeted me then told me to get up from my chair and I did as she said. I wished the Crown Princess and Haunui goodnight afterwards.

I was escorted by the maid to a guest room. She curtsied to me then left afterwards. The room, was plain but not in a bad way, it was plain as it was empty and wide, with only the necessities of a normal bedroom. Once I saw the bed, I undressed myself as quickly as I could, not that much longer, I collapsed onto the bed.

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I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! More coming soon!

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