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I attended the ceremony in which I dressed in a light beige dress with long sleeves and I marched as the skirt of my clothing swayed back and forth with each step I took. It was my first time seeing such an enormous crowd of people. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Haunui standing next to Aitoarii and Vairani, just then I had realized I was actually quite late to the ceremony which I was worried that people would think that I am unprofessional, in addition to that, unworthy of inheriting the crown.

The thing is, they don't seem to like me very much as they feel like I don't have any training for becoming queen in the future which is true but some have even stated that I should have the crown stripped from me and given to a different relative instead, even though I still have decades of training to go through till it's my turn. Most of the people that think this, is because they believe I am a bastard child. There is my eldest brother (to me it's still weird to think of him as such), my sister then Haunui, till I take the throne, so it's so long from now and I have no idea why they are worried now when they should be worried later. Since my coronation, conspiracy theories have spread about how I was conceived. I haven't been told how my birth came to be and I'd like to keep it that way. I feel like it might not make some of my citizens like me very much. What made me even more nervous is that, all my siblings refused to tell me what all of this is for, all I knew was that it was on of the rulers of one of the countries on Planet Relo and his family coming over as a I begged to be informed this by a maid but she apparently couldn't give me anymore information as she didn't want any troubles with the King.

I stood next to my siblings and greeted the guests. Then stayed silent and fidgeted with my fingers, trying to ignore this ceremony. I loved getting dressed up and put on makeup but I hated meeting people. Not everyone, just those whom I don't know.

"As you all know, we are gathered here today for a peace treaty between the Planet Relo's rulers and the rulers of Planet Xumpli by making sure that one offspring of each ruler from any country or island from each Planet Xumpli and Relo would get married to solve this ongoing feud therefore, it has been declared that Princess Vaipoe Tehau of Pomiva, gets married to His Highness Prince Nukilik of Alun on behalf of the all the rulers on Planet Relo and Planet Xumpli. Each will be given three years to get to understand each other and build a strong and healthy relationship." Aitoarii stated to the large confused and engrossed sea of people as I stood there in complete anger and resentment but without surprise because once again, another person whom I thought cared, just didn't.

I swallowed my pride and told myself that this isn't the worst thing to happen to me and I have gone through far worse than this. I was just angry because I felt like he didn't care about me because what if our relationship doesn't turn out well and I failed in this mission? I also hated how no one told me this would happen and how I possibly don't have a choice in this matter.

I debated whether I should speak up against this myself or keep my mouth shut and I decided on the first. "I don't accept this decision." I said simply to Aitoarii in which he kept trying to convince me that nothing would happen and that this is for the greater good of both my island, every other island and every country on this planet and on Planet Relo. "I know but what if he mistreats me? What if I don't like him? I want to marry someone I love and not a random guy I don't even know! Please, there has to be another way, Aitoarii. And what about my college education?" I protested with him, anger clearly still having been present on my face, in addition to watery eyes.

He caressed my face and kisses my temple. "My baby sister, I don't want this for you either but it's for the best. I had to become responsible at a very young age too but it was different than needing to get married. If he harms you or vise versa, the person who does so will be punished greatly. Don't worry about your college education, you will receive it, nothing will prevent you from it or from doing what you favor the most." He hugged me then began stroking my hair and suggested I try to get to know Nukilik better despite it being a good idea that I didn't mind, I didn't do it. Nukilik didn't bother speaking to me that night either so I thought the feeling must've been mutual. However I did get him fruit salad and he thanked me for, but that was the extent of it. I danced with Nukilik a little bit, still no conversation was formed. I could tell he appreciated my friendly gestures, but couldn't bother to care which I felt numb to. I was used to people not caring about me, except for Haunui and now apparently my eldest siblings, despite Vairani seeming tense towards me at times with not that much of a reason. That didn't mean that she hated me, but it felt like it. She wasn't the only one of my siblings to act this way around me since I got here but I chose to ignore it nonetheless. But then, he spoke up. "I liked the fruit salad you gave me, Princess. I wonder if you'd act as sweet as it." I gave him an angry glance and felt my cheeks flush but luckily, my skin tone isn't light enough for it to show up. No one has ever flirted with me before. Even if it was a weird way of flirting, it was a step in the right direction. "Well, aren't you already flirting with me and we haven't even gotten to properly know one another? I guess I am charming after all." I smirked at him but I couldn't careless for his approval but I felt like maybe I would like him and that this whole situation wasn't going to be as bad as I expected. "I feel like girl as cute as you should be complimented at all times." I had an intense need to scream. I wanted to hate him with all my might because I wanted to be right, all the time so I stood my ground and decided that just because someone is giving me one of the many types of attention I craved, doesn't mean that they'll give me it all the time or that they're a good person, so I ignored what he had to say and remained silent.

I cheered myself up by practicing traditional dancing once again and did a little bit of ballet along with it which lead me to being physically in need to going to sleep more than I already was but I couldn't shake off how crazy everything has become. I didn't even have enough time to process what has happened to me in the past few months till now. I don't know if I would've wanted this life if I had known stuff like this had to be done.

~~Hi everyone! Guess who's back with another chapter? I know it's been so long but I am trying to make my ideas in this book be well rounded and put together so some things might be added or scratched out. The good thing is, I think I am getting the hang of it and more chapters might come soon and not take as long as before or at least I hope so.~~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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