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"I bet we get stuck with Mr. Sinacori as our Sectionals advisor." Artie said, as some of the kids from the glee club reunited in the choir room, all very bummed out that Mr. Schue wouldn't be going with them to Sectionals at the end of the week.

"Oh, the creepy math teacher?" Tina frowned.

"He's always singing when he walks down the halls." Kurt said.

"That's true." Piper nodded. "But I don't think he..."

"Hey, guys." Rachel said, interrupting Piper mid-sentence as she walked into the choir room. "Did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn's aid during rehearsal yesterday?"

At that, everyone grew silent, exchanging glances when they realized what Rachel had been talking about: rehearsal the day before when Quinn had slipped and both Finn and Puck had freaked out a little bit over her. Fully aware that Rachel was, as of now, the only person beside Finn in that glee club who didn't know about the real parentage of Quinn's baby, they all hesitated for a bit, but when Kurt shook his head discreetly, they all knew what they had to do: lie.

"No." Mercedes was quick to say.

"I mean, he likes her." Artie added as Piper rolled her eyes.

"I mean, they're friends." She said. "We all know that."

"Yeah, but it seemed like more than that." Rachel insisted as Piper frowned. "I've never told you guys this before, but I'm a little psychic. I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense. Something is definitely going on there."

At that, Piper tilted her head in confusion as everyone turned to look at Rachel as of she had grown another head. Sensing that would be the best opportunity to walk off, however, Mercedes wasted no time in grabbing Piper by the arm and tugging her forward a bit as they walked out of the room.

"Hum, we... We got to go." She said, walking away with Piper as everyone followed their lead.

"We have to practice." Rachel protested.

"Oh, and we will." Kurt said, as he walked out. "As soon as Mr. Schuester names a faculty advisor to replace him."

"There's nothing to be scared of." Rachel called after them as they all left, heading off in different directions. "I mean, it... It's not like Carrie or anything."

Ignoring Rachel, Piper sent Mercedes a glare as they walked down the hallway and, fully aware of what that meant, Mercedes sighed, flipping open her phone as she placed it in between the two of them so they could both hear the conversation while she called Tina.

"Hey. She's onto it." Mercedes said.

"I know. It's really freaking me out." Tina agreed. "Hold up. Artie's buzzing in. I'm going party line."

"Dudes, this is serious." The boy said as soon as he was in the call. "If she finds out, she's going to tell Finn. She's a total trout mouth."

"Kurt wants in." Tina said.

"I say we lock Rachel up until after Sectionals." Kurt said as soon as he was in. "I volunteer my basement."

"I second that idea." Piper nodded.

"We can't." Mercedes said. "We need her to sing."

"Damn her talent." Kurt sighed and, surprisingly enough, two new calls were added to the party line as well.

"We just heard." Santana said. "Who told?"

"We assumed it was you." Artie accused.

"Why would I do that?" Santana scoffed.

Picture perfect - Book 1 - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now