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A/N: me? Being late to post? Ha, never! Anyway... The last chapter (and epilogue) are here! Enjoy and let me know your thoughts!

The glee kids were reunited in the living room of Mr. Schuester's house, but, as they waited for Quinn and their teacher to come back with the plates for them to — supposedly — start eating the pizzas that had just arrived, they all stayed in silence, not even looking at one another and realizing that, right now, eating pizza was literally the last thing in their minds.

When Quinn came back and placed the stack of plastic plates on the center table, Piper was quick to stand up from her place at the armchair and offer it to her instead knowing she was already eight months along and her belly was heaving a bit too much now. Sending her a small smile, Quinn sat down, reaching over to pull Piper back and get her to sit on the arm rest beside her before she could escape.

"Right. I'm...Yeah. No one wants any pizza?" Mr. Schue asked, sighing quietly, when no one reacted. "All right, well, hum, let's get started. Thank you for coming to the first annual New Directions' Regionals' set list nominations party."

"What's the point, Mr. Shue?" Artie asked, clearly bummed out. "Coach Sylvester's one of the judges. She's gonna crush us."

"Artie, you don't know that." Mr. Schue argued as Santana sighed.

"Yes, we do." She said. "She told us at Cheerios practice."

"Yeah, she said, I'm going to crush Glee Club." Brittany added.

"A whole freaking year." Puck scoffed. "All that hard work for nothing."

At that, Piper pouted, trying to ignore the way Quinn rested one of her hands over her thigh as she sat beside her, clearly upset over their impending defeat at Regionals as well. Thankfully, she didn't have to pretend to be fine while secretly dying inside for too long, however, because, as soon as she heard a sniffle, she turned around to see Tina crying.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, as everyone just stared at her. "I just really love you guys. You know how many Facebook friends I had before I joined Glee Club? Two. My parents. Rachel was right. Being a part of something special... It made me special. I just can't believe it's going to be over in a week."

"Wait." Finn frowned. "Who says it's going to be over?"

"Please." Mercedes scoffed. "You think Puck and Santana are going to even acknowledge my existence once we're not in Glee Club together anymore?"

And when Quinn pulled her hand away from Piper, at that, the girl had to fight her urge to sob. Instead, she just sniffled quietly, hoping people thought she was just upset about glee club ending and not the possibility of having Quinn not talking to her anymore after Regionals.

"She has a point." Puck nodded, motioning at Mercedes.

"Mr. Schuester?" Rachel called through a sob. "Do you think instead of nominating songs, we can just... All go around the room and talk about things that we loved about Glee Club this year?"


Everyone was reunited in the choir room for their last meeting before Regionals and as much as everyone felt just as uninspired as before, they still decided to make it through.

"Mr. Schuester, Finn and I have something we want to say to you." Rachel said, as her and Finn walked into the room hand in hand and far too happy for Piper to even handle right now.

"Me first. Have a seat." Mr. Schue said, as Rachel and Finn did as they were told. "Nine months ago, there were five of you in here. And we sucked. I mean, we really sucked. Bad. One day, all of you are going to be gone. And all of this, all of us will be nothing but a hazy memory. It will take you a second to remember everyone's name. Someone will have to remind you of the songs we sung, the solos you got or didn't get. Life only really has one beginning and one end, and the rest is just a whole lot of middle. And I love you guys too much to let you not make the most of it. Now, I was going to quit once, but you guys brought me back with Don't Stop Believing. It was a nine, but we are going to make it a ten."

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