Chapter 19- The Wolf's Out of the Bag

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"I'm sorry!" Evelyn sighed, looking up from her DADA textbook. Unfortunately, she and Sirius had been assigned partners in the class and the boy had not quickly forgiven her for the damaging of his broom.

"You ruined it!" Sirius wailed, his grey gaze burning with accusation. "Do you know how long it took me to repair?"

"It's been like three weeks, Padfoot," Evelyn tried, baring her teeth in a smile. "I don't know what you want me to do."

Sirius tossed down his book irritably, raking back the dark curls that hung in front of his face. "Just do me a favor and next time you have a date with James, stay away from my stuff."

Evelyn looked down, scribbling furiously in an attempt to hide her blush. "It was NOT a date."

"Just keep on denying it," Sirius rolled his eyes, doodling on the margins of his essay. "Wormy and I already have bets placed on you two."

"Peter told me he has a girlfriend," Evelyn interrupted, eager to change the subject. "Mary, right?"

Sirius sighed, leaning back on the chair with his head in his hands. His tie was undone like always and Evelyn highly doubted he had bothered to iron his shirts since first year. "I still can't believe the rodent gets more action than me."

Evelyn frowned, pausing from her writing. "Rodent?"

Sirius froze, his eyes widening before he turned back to his textbook. "You know, ratlike?"

Evelyn snorted, rolling her dark eyes. "He does not in any way resemble a rat."

Sirius seemed to find this comment very amusing for some reason, chuckling and muttering to himself under his breath. Evelyn chose not to question his strange behavior, instead turning her attention to the back of the room. "How's Remus?"

"Alright," Sirius looked at her carefully. "You know, he only ignores you because he's scared. And doesn't want to put you in danger."

Evelyn nodded in understanding and Sirius seemed surprised at her calm response. "I just hope he knows that I support him and that I worry about him." She bit her lip. "I know it's next week so."


Professor Merrythought strode over, her eyes flashing dangerously as Sirius and Evelyn flinched. "If I hear one more peep out of the two of you," the woman snapped, her bun bobbing with each word, "I will give you both detention."

Evelyn nodded guiltily, turning back to her quill and ink pot. Sirius, however, only snorted in amusement. "Do you ever break the rules?"

Evelyn grinned wryly, looking out one of the windows in the classroom towards the Forbidden Forest, the waving branches almost friendly in the daylight. "You would be surprised."


Evelyn sighed as she made her way back into the castle, the October wind swirling around her robes and causing goosebumps to raise along her skin. She cradled her arm against her chest gingerly, avoiding any sharp movements. Ever since Remus had almost been driven into a coma, Severus had been working on the Wolfsbane potion nonstop. However, her brother refused to let her experiment with the brew until he was positive there would be no adverse effects. Hence, the reason the transformation last night had gone as usual, this time including a broken arm.

Evelyn paused before entering the corridor, hoping there were no students roaming the hallways. It had taken her a while to fix the bone as best she could, and the sun had risen in the sky significantly before she was able to leave the Forbidden Forest.

As she rounded the corner, she stumbled as she bumped into a dark figure. Blinking, she froze as Regulus stood, looking at her with a horrified expression.

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