Chapter 41- Kreacher

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"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Regulus was deathly pale, his eyes wide with fear. "You have to drink it all now."

"Reg, I'm the older brother," Sirius gazed at him, his eyes softening as they fell on the Dark Mark blazed across Regulus's left arm. "Let me actually take care of you for once."

Evelyn watched as he brought another mouthful to his lips and swallowed. Sirius dropped to his knees this time and Evelyn hurried forward, catching him in her arms. "Reg, you're going to have to fill the next one," she managed, tears coating her throat.

Regulus swallowed, forcing down his protests as he brought another shell over to Sirius and poured the potion into his mouth.

"NO!" Sirius shouted, flinging the shell back with his hand where it shattered against the rock. His eyes were wide and unfocused. "No more! Please!"

Evelyn gritted her teeth, tears pouring down her face. Raising her wand, she fixed the shell and motioned for Regulus to watch over his brother as she filled another cup.

Sirius sank into his arms as Evelyn forced another mouthful down his throat. "Please," the Gryffindor begged, his voice hoarse. "Not Reggie." His eyes stared off over Evelyn's shoulder. "Take me instead."

Regulus stiffened, but didn't move as Evelyn came back with shell after shell brimming with potion, Sirius's fanatics growing with each swallow until there was only one mouthful left.

Evelyn scooped up the last of the potion, her hands shaking violently. In a desperate attempt, she tried to grab the locket, but it was no use. She couldn't reach into the basin until the last bit of potion had been swallowed. Stumbling over to Sirius, she forced his head in her direction, her dark eyes gleaming desperately. "Just one more, Siri. Please."

"NO!" Sirius thrashed violently, shaking his head. "NO MORE!" Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks now.

Evelyn grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. "For Reggie?" she whispered, feeling Regulus watching her silently.

Sirius met her gaze before he slumped into his brother's chest, bowing his head. Taking the shell from her hands, he poured the potion through his lips with a final shudder.

Evelyn immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders, stroking his hair as Sirius sobbed into her arms. Regulus ran to the basin and grabbed the locket furiously, stuffing it into his robes.

"Can I have water?"

Evelyn looked at Sirius's pained expression and nodded, standing to approach the water lapping at their feet.


Regulus's voice stopped her in her tracks. The boy shook his head violently, his eyes flashing. "Everything here will be a trick. We have to get him out."

Evelyn bit her lip, but nodded, helping Sirius into the boat. "Come on Siri, we will get you lots of water as soon as we get out of here." She sank down beside him, urging the craft to move forward as Regulus joined them.

They had made their way halfway across the lake before Sirius lunged forward, sticking his hand in the water. Regulus and Evelyn wrapped their arms around him in an attempt to hold him back, but a pale hand had risen out of the water, pulling Sirius's head under.

Sirius thrashed violently as Evelyn hung over the edge of the boat, her eyes widening in horror as she saw the small bodies scurrying in the water's depths. "Inferi," she whispered before raising her wand and sending a bolt of fire down into the darkness. The hand released Sirius with a hiss and Evelyn dragged him back into the boat, coughing madly.

"Waterproof fire?" Regulus raised a questioning eyebrow in her direction.

Evelyn shrugged, her eyes darting intensely back to the water. "You learn some strange spells when you're Severus's twin." She threw herself backwards as Inferi began to crawl over into the boat.

"The boat was only supposed to carry one!" Regulus shouted, sending a dark curse in their direction. "They won't let us all leave!"

Evelyn narrowed her eyes as she sent another round of flames from her wand, tossing the bodies back. "Yes they will." Closing her eyes, she waved her wand, muttering under her breath. Immediately, dark flames burst across the surface of the water, forming strange shapes.

"FIENDYFIRE?" Regulus panted, aiming a well-placed kick at an Inferi. "Are you insane?"

Evelyn didn't have time to respond as she pulled Sirius out of the way of the flames, ducking into the boat. Her face pressed into the damp wood as she scrunched her eyes shut, thinking desperately. She didn't know if they would make it out of this one. Suddenly, Regulus's words from earlier came to her mind and she raised her hand slightly from the bottom of the boat. "Kreacher," she whispered. "Kreacher, we need your help."

There was a loud pop as Evelyn sat up, shielding an unconscious Sirius with her body. A rather old house-elf stood on the boat's edge, glaring at her in disgust. His anger faltered, however, when he saw Regulus being dragged into the water.

"MASTER!" Kreacher waved his hand, sending the group of Inferi scrambling backwards.

"Kreacher!" Regulus's eyes lit up in relief and he nodded at Sirius and Evelyn. "Get them out of here."

Evelyn ducked as a fiery eagle soared over her head, nearly setting her hair on fire.

Kreacher grabbed her arm along with Regulus's. "Kreacher will get master and his filthy friends to safety," the creature rasped, closing his eyes.

"I don't think that's possible!" Regulus pleaded, turning away to throwing a Inferi back into the water. "Kreacher I order you to leave without me!"

The house-elf opened his beady eyes, a fire in them that Evelyn didn't recognize. "Kreacher must disobey Master Black's orders." With a shudder, he snapped his fingers and everything around Evelyn went dark. 

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