Chapter 7

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Peyton got along really well with Megan and they were becoming friends, fast. She even convinced the girl to try a new flavor of ice cream. While they were eating one of Peyton's friends from high school, Amber, walked in.

"Peyt!" Amber yelled.

"Amber!" Peyton got up and rushed over to her friend she hadn't seen in months. "Long time no see! What's up?"

"Oh you know just traveling, partying, spending daddy's money."

"So nothing new." Peyton laughed.

"Nothing with me. You on the other hand seem to have lost your ever loving mind."

"What do you mean?" Peyton asked confused.

"The fuck are you doing here with that whore and a half?" Amber motioned to where Lainey and Megan were currently sitting. What they didn't know was that Lainey could still here them.

Peyton wasn't sure how to tell Amber that they're about to be engaged so she decided to lie and exaggerate her feelings a little to try and save her reputation with the girl. "Ugh, I have to be here. My dad is forcing me to interact with her for business reasons. Trust me I'd rather let a cat scratch my eyes out if that was an option. I'm just thinking of it as charity for the less fortunate since she wasn't good at making friends." Peyton scoffed thinking that Amber was the only one who heard her.  She felt bad for saying that about Lainey because she actually was starting to like the girl, but she wasn't ready to admit that, to herself let alone other people, yet

Lainey felt a pang in her chest. Peyton's words hurt. She was hoping that the two were on track to becoming friends, but apparently everything Peyton had said about being friends was all a lie.  Tears started to well up in Lainey's eyes and she no longer wanted be there so she picked up her ice cream and ushered Megan towards the door.

Peyton saw Lainey just as she was about to walk out the door.  "Howard, wait up.  Where are you going?"

Lainey turned around with tears still in her eyes, and Peyton finally saw them and it made her hurt inside.  "I'm taking Megan to her house.  Get your so called friend to give you a ride home because your 'charity case' is leaving without you.  C'mon Megan you deserve a better friend than someone who's going to talk behind your back right in front of your face."

Lainey and Megan walked out leaving Peyton stunned.  She felt bad when Megan wouldn't even make eye contact with her, but she felt even worse seeing the hurt in Lainey's eyes.

"Damn dramatic much?  It's almost like she actually believed that you were becoming friends." Amber laughed.

"Shit!" Peyton facepalmed herself.  "I didn't think she could hear me."

"Why does it matter?  It's not like you actually planned on becoming friends with her did you?"

"My dad's going to kill me for fucking this up."

"Just tell him that she did it, and then it'll be her word against yours."

"No, I can't do that.  She's going to her house where her parents are and they'll ask what happened and then they'll call my dad.  There's no way I'm getting out of this unless I make it up to her before she tells her parents."

"Oh well.  I'm sure you'll figure it out.  Where's Scott?"

"I don't know. We broke up."

"Really?  I thought you guys would be together forever."

"Yeah, but things happened and now we aren't together."  Peyton said.  Technically she wasn't lying.  They did break up because things happened, but it had nothing to do with Scott and everything to do with this engagement her dad forced her into.

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