Chapter 20

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The hotel opening Tuesday went perfectly. Wednesday, they were able to finish up everything for the casino and club. The days were relatively uneventful for the girls. Lainey worked, and Peyton supported her and did a bit of sight seeing on her own while Lainey was working.

Day 4 (Thursday - Opening day for the club and the casino)

Today was like every other day, except the first, they've been here so far in the sense that the girls had gone to sleep in each other's arms. However, unlike the other days Peyton didn't know where Lainey was. Last night Lainey had told her that there was no work left to be done until the opening in the evening.

She laid in the bed they shared and scrolled through social media for 15 minutes before she heard the door of their suite open.

"Lainey?" Peyton called out.

"Good morning princess. I stopped and got you a coffee and a bagel on my way back. It's setting on the bar if you want it."

Peyton decided to get up and brush her teeth before going out to see Lainey.

"No rush, but when do you want to head over to the beach house?" Lainey asked as Peyton came out to get her breakfast.

"I don't care. I haven't packed yet, but that shouldn't take long. Thanks for breakfast by the way." She said breaking off a piece of the bagel to eat.

"I haven't packed yet either, but I was thinking we could go shopping and stuff today on the strip, and then hit the boardwalk. So if you want to just pack your stuff before we go I can have someone come pick it up and it'll be waiting for us at the house. Or if you don't want to go shopping and have other stuff in mind let me know and we'll do whatever."

"Shopping and the boardwalk is fine. I'll pack after I eat. Where'd you go this morning? Besides to get breakfast." She chuckled looking at the half eaten bagel of Lainey's.

"I went on a run and stopped at the bakery next to the hotel before coming up."

"How was it?"

"The bakery? It was cute. You're literally eating one of their bagels dummy, you tell me how it is." Lainey laughed.

"I meant your run stupid." Peyton playfully rolled her eyes.

"Oh" Lainey laughed "It was good."

"Did you do your ab workout too?" Recalling the morning she had walked in on Lainey working out.

Lainey smirked. "Never mind, forget I asked." Peyton said before Lainey could respond.

But Lainey ignored her and responded anyway. "Why, want to count my sets again?"

"Only if you want to do twice as many reps in order for me to count them all."

"I'm willing to do the extra for a little attention from you, princess." Lainey winked.

"Shut up, I was just going to offer to do it with you."

"You don't even workout P." Lainey said, shocked.

"I know, but I want to do it with you."

"Ok" Lainey smiled, happy that Peyton wanted to do something she didn't normally do. "You might not want to eat the rest of that bagel and hold off on that coffee then, or you'll feel sick." Lainey laughed.

"Never mind, I'll workout with you tomorrow." Peyton laughed taking a big drink of her coffee.

"Ok princess, whatever floats your boat." Lainey playfully rolled her eyes. "I'm going to finish my workout and then shower."

"Ok," Peyton smiled. Peyton ate her breakfast and then started packing her stuff, since Lainey was already in the shower.

After Lainey was out she went to eat her breakfast and pack, while Peyton showered. The girls were both ready to go about the same time.

They decided to hit the mall first so that they could hit multiple stores at once. Lainey didn't do much shopping for herself. She bought a stuffed animal for her brother and a doll for her sister.

Peyton had bought a couple of shirts and a belt, now they were just walking around.

"Is there anywhere else you want to go?" Lainey asked.

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm done. Want to hit the boardwalk? Maybe we can grab something to eat and go from there."

"Sounds good."

The girls grabbed something quick from one of the street vendors and walked around for the rest of the day.

"Lets ride the Ferris wheel!" Peyton exclaimed, grabbing Lainey's hand and dragging them towards the big wheel.

"Uhh... I don't know P, maybe we should go play the ring toss or something instead." Lainey pleaded.

"Come on, pleeeaaasssseee, I really want to ride it. It's my favorite ride."

"Fine," Lainey sighed.

As they stood in line Peyton was too excited to notice how nervous Lainey was standing beside her.

"This is going to be so fun! We are going to have the best view at the top! I bet the ocean is beautiful from up there! Ooohh, I bet we'll be so high we can see the whole city from up there!" Peyton exclaimed jumping into the pod, sitting across from Lainey, and rocking it back and forth.

"Peyton, babe, if you don't shut up and quit rocking this thing I'm going to throw up on you." Lainey gritted out before they even started going up.

Peyton gasped, "Lainey how-" Peyton stopped mid sentence, seeing the look on Lainey's face. "Are you scared?"

"Look, heights aren't really my thing okay? Just enjoy yourself, but please don't rock us or mention how high we are."

"I-... I didn't know you were afraid of heights. Why didn't you say something before we got on?"

"Because you said it was your favorite ride, and you were so excited. Plus, I promised that we'd do whatever you wanted today."

"But I would have been okay with skipping if I'd known heights bothered you this much." By this time the girls were halfway to the top.

"It's not that bad, P. It's good for me anyway. If I force myself to do these things maybe it'll help me get over my fear."

Peyton stood up, "What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" Lainey exclaimed!

"Calm down." Peyton giggled as she sat down next to Lainey. "I was just coming to sit by you." She said taking the girl's hand. "We are in this together, and if you're nervous I want to help. Does this help?" Peyton blushed, realizing she never asked Lainey if it was okay to hold hands again.

Lainey smiled and squeezed Peyton's hand. "This is more than okay, P, thank you."

Once the ride was over and the girls were back on the ground Lainey was finally able to breathe properly again. "I've never been so happy to be on solid ground."

"We literally flew here" Peyton teased the girl.

"Yeah, but I take sleepy time medicine for that, and never look out the windows once on the plane. Even if I know we are on the ground."

"I'm sorry I made you do that."

"You didn't make me do anything, P. If I really didn't want to I wouldn't have, but I did because I wanted to try it as long as you were with me." Lainey ensured the girl. "Are you coming with me to the opening tonight, or are you going to just chill at the beach house? I won't be mad either way, I promise, it's completely up to you."

"If you have to be there, I want to be there with you. I feel like people expect us to be there together anyway."

"I don't care what people expect. If you're not comfortable going, or not in the mood to go then don't. I don't plan on staying long anyway."

"I want to be there with you." Peyton smiled.

"Thank you. We should go get ready. I have to be there in 2 hours."

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