Chapter 11

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Lainey led Peyton upstairs to her room.

"So" Peyton said

"Soooo......." Lainey repeated.

"I, uh, I'm sorry I don't know what you want me to say here."


"I'm sorry I-"

"No" Lainey interrupted.

Peyton furrowed her brows confused at what she said wrong. "Huh?"

"Quit apologizing, you did that multiple times earlier. I'm tired of hearing it. Why did you say what you said?"

"Oh, o-ok I uh I... I don't... ughh"

"I'm going to need more than just sounds from you P. You're going to have to use your words here." Lainey said getting impatient.


"Not the point."

"Right. Words. Ok, umm..."


"I'm sorry, I just didn't know what else to say." Peyton said, the words spilling out before she could really comprehend what had actually come out.

"Why couldn't you have told her we were friends?"

"Lainey." Peyton sighed. "You can't actually think she would have bought that? We literally couldn't stand each other in school. You think she would have bought it if I'd have just said 'oh we're friends now no big deal'? No, she would have seen right through that and known something was up, and she wasn't really my friend in high school we just hung in the same crowd and I really didn't trust her to keep it a secret that we're engaged, let alone the fact that it's only because of our fathers. So I went with the first thing that came to mind and played into her bitchiness. I'm sorry if I don't have friends I can exactly trust like you do. I've only ever had one person I really thought of as a friend and we drifted apart in high school because she didn't like the people my dad told me to hangout with."

"Why are you here with her? Business. What kind of business? I don't know something to do with our fathers, but we just got here so we haven't really talked yet." Lainey said making different voices to mock Peyton and Amber. "That's all you had to say and it would have cleared things up without you having to tell her that I was your 'charity case'."

Peyton retorted with a fake conversation of her own. "Why are you here with her? Business. What kind of business could you possibly doing with her? I don't know something for our fathers. Bullshit, your dad doesn't send you on business outings without telling you what for, and if it's for business why's her little sister here, and why are you getting froyo and not doing it over a real meal? This was easier, and more our style. Really, because I'm starting to think this isn't for business at all? Are you two on a date or something?" Peyton retorted with a fake conversation of her own. "That's more like how it would have gone."

"You could have avoided letting it get that far and you know it. Or you could have just told her that we worked things out and were friends now. You didn't have to put me down in order to end that conversation unless you still care what she thinks of you. If you care so much about her opinion that you have to make me look bad in order to stay friends with her then this isn't going to work out and we need to just live separately from now on. I'll take my portion of the family business and move to a different city and live there. We can just tell people that for business purposes we have to live separately right now, and people won't think twice about it because they know how our families are about business. Because I'd rather do that than be your little punching bag for when we see any of your little high school puppies who followed you around like you were the last treat on earth, and hate me just because you told them to." Lainey yelled angrily.

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