Chapter 8

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The next morning Peyton woke up at 5:00 to get ready.  She walked over to Lainey's room just to see if she had come home in the middle of the night without Peyton knowing, but to no avail.  Lainey's room was still the same as it was the night before.

Peyton trudged back to her room and got her stuff ready to shower and get ready for the day.  By the time Peyton got ready it was already 6:10 and it was a thirty minute drive to the studio where the talk show was filmed.

Peyton made it to the studio at 6:40.  She was 10 minutes late and already had 3 texts from her father asking where she was and telling her that she was late.

She walked in and everyone was in such a bustle setting up for the show that no one realized she was there until her mom yelled out for her.

"Peyton!  It's about time you got here.  You're 10 minutes late.  Get to your dressing room now the makeup team is waiting on you."

"Sorry mom.  Is Lainey here?"

"Yes, she's been here for 20 minutes.  Did you not see her this morning?  I asked her where you were and she said that something had come up and you were a little behind but told her to go ahead.  Is everything ok?"

"No, yeah.  I'm fine mom.  I just got a bloody nose this morning in the shower." Peyton said hoping her mom would believe her since it wasn't uncommon for Peyton to get nose bleeds sometimes.

"As long as you got it taken care of.  Now get to your room.  You two are on first."

Peyton walked through the studio to the back where the dressing rooms were.  As she was walking through the studio she saw Lainey out in the crowd talking to a man in a wheelchair.

After Peyton was finished with her makeup there were only 5 minutes left till showtime.

She walked out to the studio and saw that Lainey was now sitting in the seat right next to the host laughing and talking.

"Peyton" Drew, the host, called out as Peyton walked up to the seat next to Lainey.  "So glad that you could join us this morning"

"The pleasure is all mine Mr. Stetson.  Sorry I was running a bit behind this morning.  I hope I didn't throw things off too much.."

"Oh please call me Drew and it's completely fine.  You are right on time the show is about to start."

Lainey hadn't looked at Peyton yet.  Peyton on the other hand hadn't taken her eyes off Lainey.  Lainey was wearing a baby blue silky sundress that flowed at the bottom and stopped midthigh, white heels, and white jewelry to match her heels.  Her hair was up in a princess braid bun.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen we're live in 5...4...3...2..." and then the director pointed and mouthed the 1.

The intro music started and the audience began clapping.

"Hello, hello, and welcome to Morning Dew with Drew.  As always I am your host, Drew Stetson and boy do we have a jam packed show this morning.  Starting with these wonderful ladies right here, Lainey Howard and Peyton Chapman."  The audience clapped.  "Good morning ladies it's so nice to see you. Thank you for coming!"

"Good morning Drew.  It's great to see you as well looking ravishing as always." Lainey answered.

"Oh please you're too sweet!  Speaking of sweet, a little birdy told me that you have some pretty 'sweet' news.  Care to share with the rest of us?"

"I don't know who gives you your information Drew, but they are should get a raise because this was kept strictly confidential. We didn't even tell our friends about this."  Lainey looked to Peyton and gave her best fake smile and put her hand on Peyton's thigh just below where her dress stopped.  "Peyton, and I are engaged."

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