Chapter 12

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Preparations for the Bingleys' visit continued. Darcy was impressed with the fact that Elizabeth managed all of the planning without requiring any help from him. He was proud of how quickly she had learned to manage everything that needed to be done.

However, along with her competence, he felt a growing distance from her. Since they were married, he had believed, or at least hoped, that she was warming to him and to the potential for a real relationship with him. Now, however, she seemed to look past him rather than at him. When he spoke to her, she often responded with a polite smile rather than a genuine one. He could not determine the cause of this coldness, but it troubled him greatly.

Darcy considered asking Georgiana if she knew of the reason for Elizabeth's behavior. Elizabeth and Georgiana were even fonder of one another than he had expected them to be, and that delighted him. However, he sometimes felt a twinge of jealousy that his sister had more of his wife's confidence than he did. He tried to move past this, as he knew it was foolish and unproductive.

He decided not to ask Georgiana because he did not want to put her in the uncomfortable position of betraying Elizabeth's confidences. He would continue attempting to get the truth out of Elizabeth. There was certainly no way their relationship could grow if they did not talk to one another.

Darcy was desperate for that growth in their relationship. It was painful for him to even see Elizabeth, he longed for her so much. He imagined her coming to him as a real wife to a real husband, letting him pull her close as he bent to touch his lips to hers, and then—stop, man, you will drive yourself insane if you continue indulging in these dreams.

But it was not so easy to stop. All it took was another glimpse of her and his imagination departed on another flight of fancy where she wanted him even a fraction as much as he wanted her. In order to make that happen, he had to uncover what was causing the disconnection between the two of them and repair it, and the sooner he managed that, the better.


Finally, after what seemed to be forever, it was the day of the Bingleys' arrival. Elizabeth fussed about, checking minor details and confirming plans that had been in place for weeks. She was relieved that she would soon be reunited with Jane. Since the day of her confrontation with the cook, Elizabeth had not been able to speak honestly with Darcy. He had shown that she was unable to rely on him for help, and she certainly had no intention of being spoken to again like he had on that day.

Even in a manor as big as Pemberley, it is uncomfortable to share space with someone who you are trying to avoid. She knew that Darcy noticed; but if he noticed, was the duty to apologize not his? Elizabeth did not even share her thoughts with Georgiana. She did not want to put Georgiana in the uncomfortable position of being in the midst of the situation. Georgiana would probably feel obligated to defend her brother, so Elizabeth did not even mention it.

Elizabeth was bustling around the foyer, rearranging flowers in an arrangement which was already perfect, when she heard a noise outside. She ran to the front door in time to see the carriage pull up. She threw herself outside and broke into a run towards Jane, who was just descending the carriage.

"My dearest sister!" Elizabeth cried, pulling Jane into a tight embrace. "All of my congratulations on your marriage!" She turned to Bingley. "And congratulations to you, as well, brother!"

Bingley grinned. "Fortunately for me, I received some extremely good advice from a friend."

"Ah, but you were the one who followed through on it!" said Elizabeth, returning his smile. "Please, come inside. Darcy will be delighted to see you."

She took Jane's hand, unwilling to be more than a pace away from the sister that she had so missed, and they walked inside. Bingley was familiar with Pemberley, so the grandeur did not affect him so much, but Jane looked around in awe. Elizabeth remembered the feeling of walking through those doors for the first time. This time, seeing Jane's reaction, she could not help but feel pride. She was a part of Pemberley now, and it was a part of her.

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