Chapter 24

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When they descended for dinner, Elizabeth discovered that there was a new addition to their party: Colonel Fitzwilliam had arrived. He looked not a single bit like Darcy; she was surprised that the two of them could be related. He had a ruddy complexion, light hair, and bright blue eyes that seemed interested in everything they saw. He was not a handsome man, but he had the definitive look of a gentleman to him. Elizabeth suspected that, if his expression was an indication of his disposition, he would be quite enjoyable indeed.

He dropped a low bow at being introduced to her, which caused Lady Catherine to clear her throat.

"I have heard so much of you," Fitzwilliam said, "and I can see that my cousin did not exaggerate your beauty whatsoever."

Elizabeth blushed, not knowing how to respond to the compliment, especially under the watchful eye of Lady Catherine. Elizabeth smiled and simply told the Colonel how much she had looked forward to meeting him.

"After spending time with this old chap, I believe that you will find me quite interesting," Fitzwilliam said, looking over at Darcy. Darcy gave him a half smile and Elizabeth understood that this was the way of their relationship, and that there was no ill will between them.

After the introductions were made, Georgiana gave her cousin a hug and he remarked on how different she looked from the last time he saw her.

"Why, when last I left Pemberley I said farewell to a little girl," he said. "Who is this poised young lady who stands in front of me?"

Georgiana laughed, and Elizabeth marveled at the life that Colonel Fitzwilliam had brought to the company. Lady Catherine did not seem happy to be left out of the conversation, and she called for Fitzwilliam to escort her into the dining room. The rest of the party followed, and Elizabeth had a chance to watch Anne move. She was so very small and frail, as if a stiff wind could blow her over. Elizabeth was struck with sorrow for the poor young woman.

She was so intent on watching Anne that she did not properly notice where she was sitting for the meal. Upon looking around, she was delighted to find that she was seated in between Colonel Fitzwilliam and Georgiana. If anyone could keep this dinner interesting, it was the two of them. The first course was served and Elizabeth prepared to eat, but was interrupted.

"Mrs. Darcy, tell me about your family," Lady Catherine's authoritative voice boomed from the head of the table.

"We are from Hertfordshire, ma'am. We lived on an estate called Longbourn until my father passed away, and my mother now lives with three of my four sisters. My eldest sister, Jane, is recently wed to Mr. Charles Bingley."

At this, Lady Catherine looked sharply at Darcy. "Is this the same Bingley that you cavort about with?"

Darcy looked slightly taken aback, and responded, "I do not think that I cavort with anyone whatsoever."

Elizabeth choked on her soup, unable to contain her laughter at seeing her poised husband so taken aback, and at the foolishness of the original question. She waved away Georgiana's concern and composed herself.

Darcy gave her a sharp look, knowing perfectly well what caused her coughing spell. "Mr. Bingley is a friend of mine, yes."

"And his father was in trade, was he not?" asked Lady Catherine.

"He was, but he did quite well for himself, as has his son. Bingley is currently considering the purchase of an estate."

Lady Catherine did not look especially impressed at this news.

"So, you have one sister married to the son of a tradesman, and one married to the grandson of an earl," she said. "What of your sisters? Are they likewise searching for husbands from good families, or will they follow your sister's example?"

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