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To his big surprise, he gets a call two days later. They ask him to come in to do a scene with Harry to see if they have on-screen chemistry. That must mean that Harry is okay with it, with him. If he even knows who he's acting against. Probably not. Oh, God. Well, he can't say no just because he had an unfortunate interaction with Harry at a coffee shop. They're both professionals and this could be his big break.

He's beyond nervous when he arrives at the studio the next day. Harry is already there and he looks up as Louis enters. They lock eyes and Harry lets out a small gasp in surprise.
"You!" He says accusingly.

"You two already know each other?" The casting director asks.

Louis blushes. Harry is the one who answers.
"No, we just met once, briefly."

"Okay, I thought you could try the scene where Victor is watching tv and Edward sits down in an armchair. Do you know which one I mean?" She asks.

Louis takes a deep breath. At least it isn't a full-blown sex scene, just a blow...never mind. He sits down on a chair and Harry gets seated on the floor.

"Ready? Go ahead." The casting director says.

Harry looks at him with a sweet smile.
"I have a little carpet picnic here. Are you sure you don't want a drink?"

Louis snorts.
"I'm high on life. Can't you tell?" He says ironically while he looks at Harry briefly.

Harry laughs and turns his head to look at the imaginary tv. Louis looks down. Harry laughs again and Louis watches him with a smile on his lips.
"You know, I never saw this episode."

Louis chuckles. Harry laughs again and Louis leans back and stares intensely at him. Harry glances at him. They look at each other and then Harry crawls over to him and rests his elbows on Louis' thighs. Louis gulps. Harry is really sexy. He has to remind himself to stay in character. He looks at him like he's curious about what's coming next.

Harry smiles and starts to unbutton Louis' shirt. Oh, okay, they're keeping it real. Louis reaches out a hand to touch Harry's hair, pretending to look surprised that it's a wig. In reality, he's surprised to find Harry's hair so soft. Harry leans over him so their faces are inches apart. Louis' eyes flicker down to Harry's lips involuntarily.
"What do you want?" Harry asks in a low, seductive voice.

"What do you do?" Louis asks, more breathless than needed.

"Everything. But I don't kiss on the mouth." Harry answers.

Louis' eyes flicker down to Harry's lips again. To his horror, he can feel his cock twitch in his pants. No, no, no. Wrong time! Dead grandma! Carcrash! Earthquake! He tries to think of horrible images so he won't get hard.
"Neither do I."

Harry starts to kiss down his chest, reaching for his belt and Louis inhales sharply.
"Great! You can stop there!" The casting director says.

Thank God! Louis lets out a breath of relief and Harry immediately moves away and stands up. Louis hurries to button his shirt.

"Definitely some chemistry there. Thoughts? Harry? Louis?" The casting director asks.

Harry stares at Louis with furrowed eyebrows like he's evaluating him.
"Yeah, it could work." He finally says.

"Absolutely." Louis answers with a happy smile.

"I guess we have found our Edward then. You got the part, Louis." The casting director smiles and Louis wants to cry from happiness.

"Really? Thank you! You won't be disappointed." Louis promises.

"I know I won't. And guys? Keep your English accent. I like it. We start rehearsing on Monday." The casting director says.

Louis is beaming as he walks out of the room with Harry next to him.
"I'm so excited about this Harry!" He says with a smile as he turns his head to look at Harry.

Harry isn't smiling back.
"Stop discussing my sexuality in public." With that, he walks away without as much as a glance in his direction and Louis is embarrassed again. Harry clearly isn't happy with him and he doesn't blame him. He knows how fragile someone's reparation is in Hollywood, especially a gay actor's. He's still in the closet himself even if he's not remotely famous. If Harry is anything else than straight he's probably hiding his sexuality as well. Louis feels ashamed of himself and makes a silent promise to never talk about Harry's, or anyone else's sexuality in public again.

He calls Roger to inform him that he got the part and then he calls Niall.
"I KNEW IT! IT'S FRIDAY, LET'S CELEBRATE!" Niall shouts and Louis has to remove the phone from his ear so he won't go deaf.

They decide a time and place and Louis heads home to eat something and get ready. He takes a cab to a very popular club, later on, one he wouldn't even get into if it hadn't been for Niall, who's a screenwriter with a couple of successful movies behind him. Louis' resumé isn't as impressive. A dead body in an episode of Criminal Minds, a patient in Grey's Anatomy, a couple of episodes of Days of Our Lives, and some low-budget indie films that no one has seen except his family and friends.

Niall waits for him outside and they're let inside and head straight for the bar. The place is crowded and the music is loud. Niall orders them beers and they circle the place to find somewhere to sit. A couple gets up at a table close to the entrance and they hurry over and take a seat. Niall raises his glass to do a toast.
"For your big break!"

Louis smiles happily and takes a big sip. There's a commotion by the door and he looks up just to find a pair of piercing green eyes staring right back at him. To his surprise, Harry comes over to greet them. He has no other than Zayn Malik by his side. Great actor, beautiful man.
"Hi Louis, this is Zayn. He's playing Kit's role in the movie." Harry says.

Before Louis can open his mouth to respond Niall shoots forward and sticks out a hand.
"Hi, I'm Niall Horan."

Harry gives him an amused smirk but shakes his hand.
"Hi Niall, I'm not gonna do you."

Niall blushes and stutters coherent words and Louis laughs.
"Hi, Zayn. It's nice to meet you. Harry." Louis says.

"I'm looking forward to working with you." Zayn answers before he and Harry leave.

Niall drinks his whole beer in one go.
"That was embarrassing." He says and wipes his mouth.

"He's sassy." Louis grins.

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