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"Okay, guys. I want it to be romantic and authentic. Can you give me that?" Liam asks the next day as they're preparing the scene.

"How authentic?" Louis gulps nervously.

"Don't worry, Louis. It's gonna be tasteful. I'm not shooting a porno." Liam chuckles.

Louis squirms. He's only wearing a pair of boxers. He gets in bed and pulls the cover over his lower region.
"Ready? Action!" Liam shouts and Louis pretends to be asleep.

Harry walks up to him, also in his boxers. He sits on the bed.
"He's asleep." He says quietly.

Louis feels Harry's finger against his lips and doesn't move a muscle. Then Harry's lips are against his and he pretends to wake up and looks at him in surprise.
"Cut! Great! One more time!" Liam says.

They play the scene again and Liam yells cut once more.
"Okay, moving on. Louis, cradle Harry's cheeks with both hands and kiss him softly." Liam instructs.

As soon as Liam yells "action" Louis does as he's told and he and Harry kiss softly until Liam yells "cut" again.
"Great! Louis can you pull Harry down with you and spin him around at the same time, so you're on top?" Liam asks.

"Uhm, I can try." Louis answers.

As soon as they're filming again, Louis connects their lips. He leans back and takes Harry with him and tries to spin them around at the same time. He ends up getting Harry's knee right in the balls and grunts from pain.
"Sorry, sorry!" Harry apologizes.

"I'm okay." Louis says.

They try again and this time Louis rolls them so forcefully that Harry falls off the bed.
"Shit! Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Harry answers while he rubs his bum. They burst out laughing.

Five tries later they manage to get it right and Liam cuts.
"Okay, Louis, I want you to be the one in charge but be soft with him. Caress his skin. I want you to kiss Harry's neck in the next shoot and Harry, pretend that you like it. Okay?" Liam instructs.

They get in position and wait for the camera to start rolling. As soon as Liam shouts action Louis starts to trail kisses down Harry's neck and hears him gasp. Harry tilts his head to the side to give him better access and Louis reaches his collar bone and Liam yells "cut!"

"Awesome guys! Continue to kiss down his chest and stop at his left nipple." Liam says.

Louis looks up at Harry and they smile sheepishly at the same time. The camera rolls again and Louis does as he's told. He stops when Liam yells "cut!"

"Close up! Take his nipple in your mouth." Liam says and Louis feels how Harry tenses underneath him.

He looks up at him.
"Are you okay over there?"

Harry giggles.
"Yeah, don't worry."

They're rolling again and Louis ignores the camera shoved in his face. He licks Harry's nipple and it immediately hardens. Harry lets out a gasp. Louis puts the nipple in his mouth and plays with it and Harry moans softly. Liam breaks it up and Louis is glad the frequencies are short because his dick doesn't seem to understand that they're just acting and that's embarrassing, but he can feel that Harry isn't unaffected as well and that makes it feel a tad better, at least.
"Kiss down his chest until you reach his navel and stop there. Harry, increase your breathing." Liam instructs.

Louis complies as soon as they're rolling and Harry pants above him. They stop again and Louis tries to compose himself.
"Great acting, guys. Okay, that's enough. Louis, sit up slowly and reach for the lube on the nightstand." Liam says.

They're really keeping it authentic. Louis does as he's told and they cut again. In the next scene, Harry pretends to remove their underwear and then they kiss again, hinting that Louis uses the lube. He's glad that they're keeping it real. He doesn't want people to think that gay sex doesn't need preparation. They end the scene with some lovemaking, where he has to pretend that they're doing it, which means that he has to hump Harry and it definitely makes him hard, but so is Harry. They fake their orgasms and then they cuddle. They are finally done shooting.

Louis stays under the cover, waiting for his dick to calm down. He doesn't want to show his boner to everyone in the room. Harry lays beside him. It seems like he has the same problem, if the way he's squirming is an indication. Louis looks at him and burst out laughing.
"This is a bit embarrassing."

Harry looks amused and laughs along with him.
"Yeah, but I think it will be a great scene in the movie."

They just lay there talking for a moment, while the crew packs up. Liam comes over.
"We're done for the day, guys."

"Yeah, can you be a sweetheart and fetch us some robes?" Harry asks with a grin.

Liam chuckles but hands them their robes before he walks away. Louis hurries to put his on, covering the semi on display. He's relieved that they're done with this part of the movie. That's the only sex scene in a wholesome. They were shooting some other scenes the next day but they were nothing like that.
"You did good." Harry says behind his back and he turns around to face him.

"Really? It was my first time shooting something like that. I was nervous as hell." Louis smirks in response.

"Yeah, me too. I mean, I've done scenes like that before but I always get nervous about it." Harry answers.

They're both lingering, not knowing what to say, but both unwilling to walk away. Harry runs a hand through his hair.
"See you tomorrow, Louis."

"Yeah, tomorrow." Louis replies and he heads for his dressing room. He changes to his own clothes before he heads out the door and drives home. He calls Niall the second he walks inside his home and they spend an hour on the phone discussing the awkward sex scene Louis just did. Niall is laughing his ass off.

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