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After a couple of intimate scenes at the beginning of the day, they finish all their scenes in the bedroom. After lunch, the whole crew head to an exclusive store for men's wear that they have rented for the rest of the day. They're shooting the scene where Edward takes Victor out shopping.

Louis takes a seat and they begin. Harry comes out in one creation after another and they have gone all in. Louis really enjoys it. Harry looks fabulous in everything. They have a great time shooting.

After they're done Harry comes up to him.
"That was fun!" He smiles happily.

"Yeah, you looked great." Louis compliments.

"Oh? Thanks." Harry beams before he continues. "So, Friday. What are your plans for tonight?"

"Ehm, I'm going out with my friend Niall." Louis replies.

"Same place as last Friday?" Harry asks.

"Yeah." Louis smiles.

"Great, maybe I'll see you there, then." Harry says.

"Sure." Louis answers, trying to hide how excited the prospect of seeing Harry makes him.

He hurries home and spends some extra time getting ready, wanting to look his absolute best tonight. He meets up with Niall outside the club and they head inside. Louis almost snaps his neck off trying to spot Harry but he can't see him anywhere. They head to the bar to place an order and find a table after that. He talks to Niall while he sips on his beer.
"Can we join you?" A voice is heard all of a sudden and Louis looks up to find Harry and Zayn standing by their table.

"Of course!" Louis agrees and Harry sits down next to him while Zayn takes a seat beside Niall and they start talking.

Louis drinks his beer when Harry leans in to whisper in his ear.
"I've been riled up since our sex scene yesterday."

Louis spits out the beer with a surprised and embarrassing squeak and Harry smirks at him.
"Harry!" Louis laughs.

"What? Can you blame me? You're absolutely gorgeous, a great kisser and I have very sensitive nipples." Harry says lowly, so only Louis can he hear.

The last part wouldn't make sense if Louis didn't have that scene where he played with Harry's nipple imprinted in his mind. Is Harry flirting with him? It sure sounds like it. He decides to flirt back.
"I'm not nearly as gorgeous as you are, you are also a great kisser and I really enjoyed playing with your nipple." He says back quietly. Too much? From the way Harry is looking at him, he would say that his answer was just right.

"Wanna go to my place?" Harry asks and bites his lip, looking shy all of a sudden.

Louis gulps.

They get up at the same time. Niall and Zayn stare at them, both looking confused.
"Ehm, I'm gonna go, Niall. I'm super tired." Louis lies poorly.

"Yeah, me too. Headache." Harry lies even more poorly.

Niall gasps and puts a hand over his mouth.
"No way!"

"Keep it down, Niall." Louis says with a warning tone to his voice and looks around.

Niall grins and winks.
"Have fun." He mouths.

Louis rolls his eyes and Harry blushes.
"Will the two of you be okay by yourself if we leave?" Harry asks.

"Of course. Go." Zayn chuckles.

They rush off before their friends change their minds. They step outside the club hoping to find a cab but instead they're surrounded by paparazzi. Camera flashes blind them while questions shout from every direction.
"Mr. Styles! How's the new movie going?"

"Mr. Tomlinson, how does it feel to act out gay love scenes?"

"Are you friends now?"

"More than friends?"

"Mr. Tomlinson, look over here!"

"Mr. Styles, no lucky lady for the night?"

Louis is in shock. Harry grabs his elbow and drags him along. He waves for a cab and they get inside. Louis turns to stare at Harry with wide eyes as soon as the door closes and the cab takes off.
"Are they always that intrusive?"

Harry sighs.
"Yeah. You'll get used to it."

"Maybe... Do you sometimes wish that you had gone with another profession? Harry the electrician, or Harry the baker?" Louis asks.

"Sometimes, but I get to do what I love. Being famous is the price I have to pay. Don't get me wrong, it has its perks as well, I'm blessed. But it's a strange world. People think they know you because they see you on the screen and you get an image and you maintain that image at the cost of yourself. I don't know...I'm rambling." Harry chuckles at the end of his little rant.

"You made perfect sense." Louis assures him.

Five minutes later the taxi stops outside the house and Harry pays for the ride. He opens the gate and they walk side by side to the front door. The air between them changes. They both seem nervous and excited and glance at each other and laugh.
"So, we're here." Harry says with a laugh.

"We are." Louis replies.

Harry walks in the direction of the living room and Louis follows.
"Can I get you anything? Something to drink or eat?" Harry rambles.

"I'm fine." Louis replies.

Harry stops in the middle of the living room and turns around. He gazes into Louis' eyes.

Louis walks up to him slowly.
"So..." He replies and takes a hold of Harry's hips. His eyes flicker up to Harry's lips.

Harry smiles and hunches down a little before he leans in to press his lips against Louis'. He wraps his arms around Louis' neck and they open up to the kiss and let their tongues play. It gets heated quickly. They're both breathing erratically when Harry breaks the kiss and takes Louis' hand to guide him to the bedroom.

They undress each other quickly with fumbling hands and lay down on the bed and start a heated foreplay. No one screamed cut this time. No one instruct them what to do. Louis actually get to use the lube when he finger Harry open and they don't fake their orgasms this time. Instead, they have amazing sex and fall asleep in each other's arms afterward.

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