The Lake

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The mist eerily rolls over the waters so deep,
Hiding the secrets it wants to keep,
Locked in it's murky depths so cold, 
Are the spirits of the dead it is foretold.

Wings scorched with fire and a darkened heart,
The Broken Angel rises as waters part,
With her masters words etched on her brain,
The souls of the living she must ordain.

She steps from the icy waters of the lake,
To search for lives which she can take,
Transforming herself for human effect,
Beauty makes victims easier to select.

The weak and vulnerable will fall for her charms,
Willingly stepping into her inviting arms,
Blinded by the vision that she portrays,
Lust and vanity clouding their gaze.

Visions of love and a beautiful wife,
Will lead to their downfall and end their life,
For the Broken Angel will feed off their lust,
She'll suck out their soul and turn their hearts to dust.

Then when she's full and the weak have fell,
She'll take them to the lake and dispatch them to hell,
Where the Goat he'll welcome them with open arms,
And bestow upon them his evil charms.

The lake will swell as the spirits expand,
And the Broken Angel sets off back inland,
Hungry for more souls that she can take,
Leaving death and misery in her wake.

© A S May 2015

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