The Mission of Innocence

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She bathes in the blood of virgins drained with a knife,
Extracting their souls as she takes their life,
The purest of blood it cleanses her skin,
And feeds the evil that flows within.

The Broken Angel she rises, blood dripping from her breast,
Her crimson skin draining as she gets dressed,
She spreads her wings ready to fly,
For it's time once more for innocence to die.

The priest he has heard of this enchanting beast,
And upon the souls of the innocent that it does feast,
With prayers in his heart and bible in hand,
He sets off on his mission to make a stand.

To protect the innocent, he must fight,
Against the Angel of the night,
With his beliefs and the love of his God,
Following paths never before trod.

This journey will test him to his core,
Drain his faith then return for more,
The question is can he stay the course,
And trace this evil to it's source.

The Broken Angel keeps filling the boat,
And the Ferryman he takes the souls to the Goat,
His evil grows and he smiles with delight,
A boat full of souls is a wonderful sight.

© A S May 2015

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