An Angel's Kiss

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The priest he was glad Sister Mary did travel,
For he didn't know how things would unravel,
It was a dangerous mission that lay ahead,
One that may end up leaving him dead.

He's prepared to die for the holy cause,
Battling the Goat and his evil hoards,
For the innocent souls rely on his protection,
He must lead them in a righteous direction.

He spreads the holy word as he travels the road,
Verses from his bible he does unload,
The Broken Angel she has to bide her time,
As his words burn her soul and twist her spine.

As the lake draws near, dark clouds assemble,
With evil anticipation Sister Mary does tremble,
The priest he is blind to his impending fate,
And what lurks in the shadows at hell's gate.

In the deep dark bowels of the watery beast,
Where souls are kept for demons to feast,
The Goat he anticipates a holy addition,
Been years since he's had spiritual nutrition.

The priest arrives at the shores of the lake,
And Sister Mary a deep breath does take,
Then burns her disguise and unleashes her wings,
And from the ashes the Broken Angel springs.

The priest is shocked by Sister Mary's deception,
As the Broken Angel rises with an unholy reflection,
The waters break and demons rise like a disease,
The priest in disbelief falls to his knees.

Clutching his bible he starts to pray,
For God's protection on this dark day,
The Broken Angel standing naked on the shore,
Terrifies the priest to his very core.

Demons circle the cowering priest,
Anticipating their impending feast,
He tries to gather his strength and rise,
Amid the demon's piercing cries.

Chanting verses from the bible in hand,
The priest he rises to make a stand,
But the demon's cries make his ears bleed,
And on his fear their energy does feed.

The Broken Angel moves in for the kill,
The priest recites holy text with skill,
But the futility of his words soon sink in,
As she lowers her lips to his plump red skin.

Feeling the heat of her lips burn his outer layer,
In desperation he recites the Lords prayer,
The demons retreat as his words hit their mark,
But an Angel's kiss turns his world all dark.

The demons load the priest into the boat,
And the ferryman rows his soul to the Goat,
The Broken Angel tastes victory on her lips,
And into the depths the empty corpse slips.

© A S May 2017

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