Dead Souls Road

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The Goat sits in his lair and surveys his new souls,
Admiring his work and all he controls,
The Broken Angel is spreading his word well,
Swelling the ranks of his empire called hell.

The Angel she is watching the preacher man search,
As he moves further from the safety of his church,
He's totally oblivious to her prying eyes,
As she slowly slips into her earthly disguise.

Sister Mary Ignatius approaches the priest,
"I hear you're looking for an evil beast?"
"Yes I am Sister, have you seen such a thing",
"Indeed I have" she says hiding her wing.

"Prey tell me Sister what you know",
"So to this place I can go",
She sees the fire burning within his eyes,
And relishes the day she'll hear his cries.

"In the pits of hell she does reside",
"With The Goat of Mendes by her side",
The priest he is shocked by her admission,
The Goat is something he didn't envision.

But his mission is one which he must complete,
So The Goat he must also try and defeat,
Now the task at hand is growing by the day,
So he listens to the Sister and what she will say.

"You'll find your way to the Goat's abode,
By following the path along Dead Souls Road",
"And what lies at the end of this foreboding track",
"A lake and a boat", she didn't mention the attack.

"Then it's off to the lake that I will go",
And God's words, along the way I shall sow",
"I'll come with you Father to face this beast",
Said Sister Mary as she followed the priest.

© A S May 2015

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