Those Who Say

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To all the men who say " Oh, you're so mature for your age!" I want to respond with,
no, I'm really not.

You see me in the street and you feel entitled to
give me your unwanted "compliments"
from which you expect my compliance.

"The world is your oyster"
Well I hate sea food so when you lay your eyes
on me and only see food to chew up and spit out
I feel sick to my stomach.

To all the men who say, "Wow, you look so much older"
Thanks, I already knew that.

I don't need you to tell me basic information about myself
while you stand in formation
waiting for me to choose between my self respect
and your fragile ego.

To all the men who think I care about your thoughts
I just want to say "Sure, I can catch more flies with honey
but, honey, why would I ever settle for flies?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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