Chapter sixty seven - Thanos

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You didn't know it then, but you had only ten more minutes.

You should have spent them with Loki.

Instead, you sought out Sif. She was alone in a corner, gazing out of a window, so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice you approach her until you cleared your throat.

"Can I sit?"

A pause, and then she nodded.

You talked to her for a while, explaining and apologizing in a big, messy monologue, and when she still said nothing still you just sat with her, waiting.

"Fandral and Volstagg are dead too." finally she spoke, her voice cracking. It wasn't what you'd been expecting to hear.

"I know." you whispered, "I was there when... when she..." you were unable to finish the sentence. Even after everything that had happened in the last two days, it was still raw.

"Good. So they weren't alone." Sif said, her face blank, her emotions raging.

"Fandral used his dying thought to call me a traitor." you told her, your voice catching.

She looked at you properly for the first time.

"He was right."

It would have hurt less if she'd run you through with her sword.

"But you're his friend, and he would have forgiven you in time. Just like Volstagg and Hogun. And me." she finished. You fought not to let any tears escape, you had no right to cry.

"Thank you." you managed. And then the first missile hit.

For the second time the ship lurched to the side, but this time no one knew what had caused the commotion. You and Sif both got to your feet hurriedly; the beginnings of fear were starting to taint the previously quite pleasant atmosphere.

Fear, burning hot and cold at the same time, ran through you. It wasn't your fear.

"What was that?" Sif exclaimed in horror, and then another missile hit. This time there were screams.

This couldn't be happening. You'd just saved everyone, barely half an hour ago you'd finally relaxed, and now everyone was in imminent danger again.

"I need to go." you whispered, and teleported to Loki. He was stood next to a window speaking urgently to Thor; when you appeared he grabbed your arm.

"What's happening?" you barely got to the end of the sentence before you saw the enormous ship looming ahead of you which stopped you in your tracks. Thor grabbed your shoulder, squeezed, and then ran out into the main room. His authoritative voice echoed through the ship as Loki seized your shoulders and turned you away from the window to face him.

"It's Thanos."

Fear gripped you.

"No." you whispered, shaking your head. This wasn't happening.

"This is happening, and I need you to listen to me." Loki demanded, moving you away from the window as another explosion rocked the ship. More screams from the refugees. You closed your eyes in despair.

"No, Y/N, look at me." Loki said, shaking you slightly. You opened your eyes again. Terror was coursing through the two of you in equal measures.

"He's after the Tesseract."

"What? Why?"

"It- because it's powerful."

A drop of indignance infused with the overwhelming senses of confusion and dread you were feeling.

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