Chapter two - In which you meet the Avengers

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Author's note: Thought I'd post the first two chapters together again, I'm feeling kind ;) Some more things: I cannot for the life of me think of a half decent title for this fic, please send help I'm open to all suggestions. The beautiful, amazing, gorgeous cover for this work was drawn for me by heatthom, literally just because I asked, so felt I needed to mention how brilliant and talented she is <3 Now, on with the story, hope you enjoy, please leave a comment! :)


You walked alongside Thor to the end of your street, bursting with questions.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions, but I think it best that Stark talks to you first."

He stopped suddenly underneath a streetlight and turned to look at you.

"I assume you have never flown before? And I'm not talking about those strange metal cans Midgardians use to fly."

You fought back a smile at that description of a plane.

"No, I haven't." you replied.

"Hold on tight then." he suggested, holding out an arm to gesture you should wrap your arms around him. This was awkward. You wrapped your arms around the God of Thunder, reluctant to hold on too tightly. This changed rapidly as Thor wielded Mjolnir above his head and you rocketed into the sky.

You gave a surprised shriek and tightened your grip considerably, holding on for dear life and squeezing your eyes shut as the ground fell away from beneath your feet. Thankfully it was over fairly quickly, and your feet touched down on solid ground again.

"Apologies, I know that can be quite an overwhelming experience, but it saves us walking." Thor told you. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yep." you confirmed shakily, releasing your death grip and opening your eyes. And then your mouth.


You were on top of the Avengers Tower, stood on the giant H painted on the helipad, looking out over the whole of New York city. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky with hues of orange, pink and purple. The lights of the city were just starting to appear, spread out far below you and Thor. It was the most gorgeous thing you'd ever seen.

"Come inside Lady Y/N, it is cold."

You reluctantly tore your eyes away and followed Thor inside, down some stairs.

"Don't look so nervous, we just want to help you." Thor told you with a kind smile, which eased your nerves slightly.

"I'm not scared, just... this is all happening very quickly. Ten minutes ago I was lying on my bed questioning my life and now I'm in the Avengers Tower with you about to have a conversation with Tony Stark."

"Stark isn't so bad, he may be rich and famous but he's just a simple Midgardian, like everyone else."

You weren't sure whether to be reassured or offended by this comment, even though you knew he'd meant no offense.

At the bottom of the stairs you walked down a long corridor, staying slightly behind Thor. At the end, in front of two large doors he put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed reassuringly.

"You will be fine."

"What? I'm meant to go in there on my own?"

This was Tony Stark's penthouse he was talking about, you couldn't just stroll on in by yourself! You felt like this was some sort of test you had to pass, and it was making you incredibly nervous.

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