#2: ditching is a thrill

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Despite my best efforts at tempting Luke to go eat with his friends, he still followed me into the cafeteria. I huffed but knew deep down I'd feel guilty if I asked him to leave.

"Won't Michael get mad if you don't sit with him?" I opted for another tactic, seeing if my lovely new "client" would feel a sense of guilt at ditching his best friend.

"He's not a two-year old." Luke said seriously. "Besides, I think he's too busy fucking some girl in the janitors closet to care."

I choked on my own saliva at Luke's blatant ability to discuss his friend's sex life. He watched on in enjoyment as I tried to regain my composure.

"Wipe that smug smile off your face." I grumbled, before I grabbed a tray and walked over to the food.

"This stuff is disgusting." Luke scrunched his nose up and ignored the offended huff from the cafeteria lady. "I think selling this stuff should be illegal." He commented as the lady slapped some mystery meat onto his tray.

I smiled politely and opted for the fruit salad. At least I could easily identify the rotten fruit. In that mystery meat you couldn't even identify the main ingredient. I swiped my student card and walked over to my friends.

I didn't bother to check and see if Luke was following me. His constant complaints and whining about "suing the school" were enough for me to know he was indeed carrying out this plan to sit with us.

"Um, Ari, you do realise there is some weird kid lurking behind you." Katherine raised her eyebrow as I sat down. I shot her a look.

"Don't act like you don't know me, love." Luke smirked, sitting next to me. "I'm not stupid enough to act like I don't know you after three years of school."

Calum chuckled quietly but didn't say anything. Ashton on the other hand hummed loudly. I thought he was about to say something but instead he turned to look at me.

"How was class?" He asked, completely dismissing the fact Luke was sitting with us. It wasn't in a rude way either, it was just in a way that let everyone know that Ashton didn't have a problem with Luke.

"It was okay." I answered absently. Katherine was glaring at Luke and I, probably wondering what was up. I smiled innocently at my best friend, and tried to tell her with my eyes to act nice and not say anything stupid.

I hid my smile as Katherine rolled her eyes dramatically. "Why is Luke Hemmings sitting with us?"

"Ah, there you go, doll. It appears know my name after all." Luke stabbed at his mystery meat, whilst I nudged him. If he wanted to sit with us, he'd have to at least pretend to not hate my friends.

"Well, I'm helping Luke—"

Luke clapped his hand over my mouth. "She's decided she'd like to have a taste of the dark side."

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora