#26: it should be illegal for you to wear my clothes

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My eyes curiously skimmed around Luke's room as I sat on his bed drying my hair. I had a shower first, and now I was sitting here in his shirt, waiting for him to finish.

I discarded the towel I was using to dry my hair. Messy, wet strands of hair fell over my shoulders as I slid off the bed. My feet hit the padded carpet. Luke had put on the air conditioner before he had a shower, making it relatively easy to move around his room in just an over-sized t-shirt and a pair of boxers that dangled from my hips.

My clothing was in the dryer, along with Luke's and the towels we had used to initially dry off before entering the house. Despite being naked, I had to wrap the towel around my body and walk around the side of the house. According to Luke we needed to enter through the front door because the porch wouldn't hold our weight.

He had led me upstairs before I could take in the surroundings or search out the back rooms. I wanted to know if there was damage inside the house. Was the back of his house a burnt wreckage? What had happened?

I shook my head, pushing all the thoughts surrounding the fire, to the back of my mind. I wouldn't pry and I wouldn't ask Luke. He would tell me when he was ready.

Instead, I walked around Luke's room. I glanced over the photos pinned to his mirror – mostly stupid ones of him and Michael, but there were some important ones such as the old couple that I assumed to be his grandparents.

"You have no idea how good you look." Luke's voice broke my trance. I stood up straight and turned to face him, my smile sheepish. I felt caught.

"Sorry, I got bored and a little curious." I admitted, stepping towards him and leaving the devastatingly beautiful photo behind me.

Luke waved his hand dismissively. "It's fine. I left you in here alone with full knowledge of that."

I crawled over the bed and wrapped my arms around him with a smile. There seemed to be an ease between us, something that sex no doubt helped. It's like I wasn't shy or nervous in his presence. Why would I be? He had already seen me at my most vulnerable.

Luke cradled my head softly, like he was scared of breaking me. He kept the kiss sweet and short, pulling away moments later.

"Lesson twenty-six; it should be illegal for you to wear my clothes." His reply came out breathless. I pulled back with a playful smile, only to realise just how dark his eyes became.

"I can take them off if you want?" I joked causing Luke to growl.

Before I could comprehend it, I was being pinned to the mattress with Luke hovering above me. "It's cruel to joke about that."

I was about to reply when my phone started ringing. I shot Luke a small smirk before pushing at his chest. He got the message and easily slid off my body. I reached over for my phone, a little confused when I saw Calum's name flashing across the screen.

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя