#15: tequila shots don't heal broken people

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After what I said to Luke I was surprised when he followed Michael and I outside. I could tell he wasn't finished with what he had to say, but frankly, I was done listening to his pathetic excuses.

"Luke, man, just go home." Michael stopped walking, but I noticed he unlocked his car. I was thankful for the barrier from Luke so I scrambled into the passenger seat and shut the door. Even though Michael stood with his arms crossed, I couldn't completely block Luke out.

"You need to let me apologise. I need her to understand." Luke sounded desperate again. "She's really drunk if she logically thinks going home with you is a better idea."

"Or maybe she just really fucking hates you." Michael snapped. Yes, that was the most probable explanation.

"I know." Luke replied simply. "I know she does but that doesn't mean she should leave with you."

"Luke," I heard Michael's voice soften. "Arizona is a good girl—a nice girl. She deserves so much better than either of us. I have no intention of doing anything of that sort. I know what you're thinking but I promise you, as your best friend and a decent guy, all I'm doing is letting her sleep off her alcohol."

I wasn't really sure what Michael was talking about. What was Luke so concerned with? I leant my head against the cool glass window and just shut my eyes. I was starting to regret all those tequila shots.

I noticed there was a short silence before someone sighed—I think Luke. "Fine. Just... take care of her. Call me in the morning and let me know how she's doing."

"I don't think you have that right anymore, mate." Michael didn't sound angry, but sincere. Luke mustn't have liked the answer because after a moment I heard Michael click his tongue patiently. "Okay, I'll keep you updated. Don't worry so much. She'll just be hung-over."

I didn't hear them say goodbye, or maybe Luke just walked away because a few seconds later Michael was climbing into the drivers' seat. I could feel his eyes on me, even with mine shut.

"C'mon, let's get you into a bed." Michael turned on the car. "Bet you're starting to regret all those shots."

"Fuck off." I whined, holding my head. "You're the one who said I should let loose."

Michael chuckled softly and just hummed. "Yeah, I guess I am to blame here. Oh well, you seemed like you enjoyed yourself."

"Before I spotted Katherine with Luke." I finally opened my eyes, thinking I should probably at least watch my surroundings. "And yeah, I was having a great time before I ran into Luke."

"Sorry about that." Michael paused. "For the record, I never seen Luke that torn up about a girl before. He usually doesn't care, and he lets the girls know he doesn't care. With you... he's different."

"Different how?" I raised my eyebrow. "Fucking my best friend sort of different?"

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now