#22: michael is full of surprises

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It took Michael two seconds to open the door after Calum knocked. He didn't even greet us, instead he grabbed our shirts and yanked us inside before shutting the door.

"Fucking finally," Michael cursed, his eyes wide, "I've been waiting for you."

"It's not even eight o'clock yet." Calum frowned. "We're early."

"Hugh called Ashton." Michael gritted his teeth before looking over his shoulder. "He's been on the phone for at least ten minutes now."

"Isn't that a good thing?" I spoke up, standing on my tippy toes to look over his shoulder, however I couldn't see Ashton.

"It's not a good thing when Ashton is crying." Michael shot me a look. "I'm really not good at people who cry. It's one of the reasons I helped you with Luke. You didn't cry." Michael held his hands up before grabbing a packet of cigarettes. 

He placed a cigarette between his lips and let it dangle as he gave us both a knowing look. His Ashton shift was over by the looks of it. 

He didn't even say anything as he moved passed us and opened the front door. I'm pretty sure this was his way of passing Michael onto Calum and I. In all fairness, Michael hadn't known Ashton for eight years like we did. 

"He must be stressed." Calum noted as Michael lit up a cigarette and pushed the door shut with his foot. "I will agree with him on the crying thing. I suck at it."

Calum and I shared a concerned look before inching towards the living room. Michael was right when he claimed I didn't cry because I was very much on the same boat as the guys. I generally just patted someone on the back awkwardly and cooed non-coherent words. 

"You can go fuck anyone you want." Ashton's voice carried through the room but it sounded strong, which was a little reliving. "That's the entire point of a break-up. Fuck other people, although admittedly you're not meant to be doing that during the relationship but your morals have no bounds, right?"

Calum raised his eyebrow as if he were impressed with Ashton's new-found backbone. Hopefully we didn't have to deal with crying after all. We both rounded the corner, our spirits high, only to stop dead.

Ashton was curled on the couch, his lip wobbling and his eyes an ugly red colour. I let out a sigh and just stood there silently as Ashton furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh, god. Fuck yourself, Hugh." He snapped before throwing the phone into the couch. At least he wasn't backing down. 

"Please don't tell me I oiled myself up to squeeze into these leather pants for nothing." Calum whined and I quickly elbowed him in the ribs. 

"Oh no, don't you worry." Ashton said darkly. "Now I just want to fuck this emotion out of my body."

"Ah, I don't think that's how it works." Calum pitched in, once again earning another hit in the ribs.

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt