Chapter 14: Unreasonable Doubt

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Athena's POV
Many times had I watched Daniel in his slumber, often wondering if he was still alive. I grew closer to him in his sad state. I would talk to him about things that really bothered me. I actually felt comfortable around him.

I woke up and got dressed ready to go spend yet another day with a silent Daniel, when I heard a knock at my door. It was Lucas. He looked liked he had seen a ghost. I asked him what the problem was and he said two words. Two words that I had been dying to hear.

"He's awake"

I knew in an instant who he was talking about. I quickly ran to his room and saw the doctor examining him. All his men were there and kind of blocking me. I never felt like I was even entitled to go close to him. I had hurt him in so many ways and all he did was help me. I stayed in the corner looking through the gaps in between the men.

I could hear the doctor giving him orders and a list of medicines to take. He didn't sound interested in the slightest, but he was okay, and that made me happy.

The doctor was talking to Dean and ordered for Daniel to get lots of bed rest. I was content knowing he was fine. I slipped through the back and went to my room. I sat on my bed and thought of him. I don't know why, but I cried. I myself couldn't understand why this was happening to me. Was I that concerned about him?

It was getting late and I was still in my room when I heard a knock at my door, I quietly allowed then to enter and saw Dean.

"I'm sure you've heard that he's awake now" he said, "so, I'm wondering why you're not with him. I mean, you were the one practically taking care of him, it's only fitting that you see him" he concluded

"Um....I heard he needed lots of rest, so I um....opted to leave him be" I said not believing a single word that came out of my mouth. Deep down, I wanted to see him. Maybe, even hold him.

"Come on, he's been getting bed rest for a month and a half, he needs to get up in my opinion. And Athena, if you actually believe what you said, then I'll be damned"
"From critical observation..." he said sitting besides me, "I have come to the conclusion that you actually care"

"What! No! Dean!" I blurted out

"Defensive....I didn't actually say anything Athena. I just said, 'you care'. But if I'm wrong, okay. Then if not that and my survey was off, then go see him, as his guest" he said teasingly

Dean was a character and a half. He was really good company and he was always so cheerful. I sometimes wondered how 'he' was a member of the mafia.

He walked out leaving me second guessing myself. I thought about what he said and decided to go see him. Yes, I'd go see him. I never had a thing for him and I'd prove it to Dean.

I got up from my bed and walked towards his room. I knocked at the door and waited, when one of his men opened the door for me. I entered and saw Dean standing there with some of his men talking. I saw him. Our eyes locked, his gaze was so striking, it could send chills down your spine.

Dean said something, but I was barely paying attention to him. You could say that I was caught in Daniel's eyes. Dean and his men stepped out and we were left alone.

"No no no. Don't push yourself" I said running to him as he tried to sit up. He looked like he was in pain but holding it in.

"How do you feel?" I asked in a low voice as I looked at the many scars on his chest

"I'm fine, I guess. I'm alive" he said

I couldn't stop looking at his scars, and the more I looked, the more I felt my eyes welling up.

"How're you? I hope they've been taking care of you well? Tell me if they did anything to you and I'll personally deal with them" he said knocking me out of my trance

"No no, they've been treating me well, really" I said sadly.

"You look pale Athena, are you alright?" he asked

"I should be telling you that" I said chuckling, "have you seen yourself" I said making him laugh. I hadn't seen him laughing before and I felt good knowing I was the cause of that.

"It's hard to look good when you've been out cold for days"

"Days?! Huh! More like months" he looked cute when he raised his eyebrow at my statement.

Cute? Athena?

We spoke for hours until it was dark out. I felt so comfortable with Daniel. For a moment, my fear for him was gone. I never did bring up his sister, I decided to wait for the right time. He had just woken up from a coma.

I suddenly remembered that he had to eat and quickly stepped out to get him something to eat. I ran to the kitchen and found the chef already cooking something. I asked him if I could cook for Daniel instead, it was a stretch, but I really wanted to make him something special. My mother's special 'get well soon' pumpkin soup. She always made it for us when we were sick, and it always worked.

He allowed me to take over and I got started on the soup. It took about an hour to cook but when it was done, I hurried with it to his room.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted when I walked in

"Athena I can't stay in bed forever. I've already wasted enough time laying here lifeless" he said as he attempted to get up

"Daniel, you're weak and you need to recover or else you're as good as useless even awake and besides, you can't even walk properly with that cast" I said helping him back into bed

He whined and hissed as I put him back which made me laugh. He was so petty.

"I brought you something"

"What is that?"

"My mother's special 'get well soon' pumpkin soup"

"You made it....for me? Wow, huh, there's something like that?" he said chuckling

"Yes. I hope you like it" I said smiling

He got the bowl ready to feed himself when I heard him hiss in pain. I gently got the bowl from him and offered to feed him. He was very reluctant. Maybe he wasn't used to being taken care of, I mean, he was a boss and he always had to be strong and on his feet.

After feeding him and giving him his medicine which he really didn't want to take but still did, I helped him lie down and get comfortable. I left him to rest and said goodnight to a different Daniel. I was happy, I was happy seeing him happy and alive. I was happy because he was.

I went to my room feeling so light and holding onto my sweater feeling my stomach turn, in a good way. I was remembering my day with Daniel and our conversation. I lay in bed thinking about him, his smile and warm look in his stormy grey eyes. I already couldn't wait to see him.

I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was normal. He was in a different world and he was dangerous, I couldn't really be falling for him. He and I couldn't be together, not in this life. How?

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