Chapter 21: Beware The Unknown

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Athena's POV
I was not one to entertain strangers much, but aunt Lia was really charming and quite the character too. She kept me company and I really felt comfortable around her. She never really left after our first encounter. She was looking for company as she was all alone and all her children were either married or had passed. She was a widow and was looking for a house as she was too lonely in her mansion that her husband had built her.

I felt bad for her, really, and I could relate very well. She was alone, just like me. I felt like her and I were meant to meet at this difficult time in our lives and it couldn't have come any sooner.

She had asked me to give her a tour of our city as she was new to this place, which was quite obvious. I never really hesitated to go around with her, I WAS looking for ways to get my mind off everything that had happened, and if it meant moving around with some rich woman, I would take it.

We went around town and to very famous landmarks. She really enjoyed herself, at least I thought so.

She was foreign, that much I picked up. Forget not being from around here, I doubted she was even from this country.

Aunt Lia was really digging for information about me. Every chance she got, she'd ask so many questions about my life and my family. I never really thought much about it, but it did move me a bit.

Likewise, I did the same. As much as possible, I tried to get some information out of her about her life and overall, herself.

It was noon, and she had suggested that we go for lunch and I couldn't reject her kind offer, and I was also hungry.

We went to a really fancy restaurant and she asked me to order anything that I wanted. I didn't want to impose as I was using her money, and I was not used to receiving things from people, but there was just something about aunt Lia that was so.... Welcoming.

We sat and talked over a nice bowl of spinach soup. Although I was trying to be happy around her, I still couldn't stop thinking about Daniel and what he did.

"Do you not like your food dear?" she asked

"Oh no aunt, I really do. It's amazing" I said politely

"Then, might I ask what's bothering you. You've been awfully quiet. Is something bothering you?" she asked

"No, it's nothing really. Thanks"

"I know we only recently met dear, but you know you can talk to me if something is bothering you" she said reaching out and placing her hand on mine.

"Thank you aunt"

I wasn't sure if my problems were even worth talking about, but I really needed to get it off my chest.

"There's a guy...." I started

"Oh.... A man" she said grinning.

"Aunt Lia!" I whined

"Huh, okay dear, continue. I'm listening"

"Well, I kind of have feelings for him, but he's not the right man for me"

"And how do you know he's not the right man for you?"

"He does terrible things and I can't be with THAT kind of a man"

"Oh really. So, is your head bigger than your heart?"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, you said you had feelings for him, yet you are saying you can't be with him because of what he does. Then you don't love him as you say you do"

"Aunt Lia, I really do, but it's not that simple"

"Who said love is simple. You know, we don't fall for his 'good', we fall for him as a whole. Good and bad. Flaws and all. If you love him, you won't look at his flaws, rather you'll look at what he did that made you fall for him in the first place"
"Dear, love should not be one sided. You don't expect him to be perfect. I mean, a good example would be my husband. My husband was not a very....honorable man. He had his flaws, but I accepted them and loved him with all my heart until the end like in our vows, and you know what, I still love him"
"It doesn't matter what he does for a living, or what people will say if they see you together. Maybe, who knows, he was forced to have such a lifestyle, you don't know his story. You just can't judge him because of one mistake, that's not very fair, now is it Athena?"

Aunt Lia was really very helpful and did give me good advice. I WAS judging him without cause, and it wasn't right on my part. Yes, he was bad, but maybe he had his reasons. As crazy as I sounded in my head, I had to talk to him.

"Thank you aunt Lia. I'll really try my best to put myself in his shoes"

"That's good, and just maybe, you'll learn a lot more about him" she said smirking.
Aunt Lia had dropped me home and we said our goodbyes. That day was really fun and I got to learn more about her and got some closure on what I was to do about my 'Daniel situation'. I was looking forward to seeing her again and hopefully, showing her some of MY favourite places. 

As I was about to enter the house, I noticed all the lights were off.

Where is everyone? Isn't Seven home yet? Maybe he's already asleep, it is quite late.

I unlocked the door and put my coat away. I was exhausted. A hot bath and a warm glass of milk were the only things on my mind.

I was heading to my room when I decided to check in on Seven. I hadn't been seeing much of him lately, and I hate to say, but I was neglecting my brother too. I thought I was the only one having a hard time, forgetting that he also lost his parents.

I knocked of his door but there was no answer. I quietly opened the door not wanting to wake him up. I walked in and looked at his bed. It didn't seem like there was anyone. I turned on the light and to my surprise, he wasn't there.

"Seven!" I called out.

I checked his bathroom but he wasn't there.

"Seven!" I called out even louder but no response.

I started to panic and imagined the worst. I ran downstairs calling out for him, with no luck. I was going crazy. Where was my brother?

I grabbed my phone to call him hoping that he'd be at his friend's house and just forgot to tell me. I called and it rang until it got disconnected. I tried again and again, with no luck.

I called Brady and asked him if he knew anything about Seven's whereabouts but he didn't. I was about to step out to look for him when my phone rang. I never saw the number and immediately thought it was Seven. I answered the call and heard someone breathing. He asked me about my brother, and something told me that he was responsible for his disappearance. I shouted and screamed over the phone and all he said was....

'Go outside'

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