Chapter 15: The Long Awaited Fear

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Daniel's POV
Never in my life had I felt this way before. It was unreal. She was besides me. Near me. And happy too. She was right there, taking care of me, comforting me. I dared to wonder if she actually liked my company.

This was all I ever wanted. Yes, having people around who fear you is alright and all, but to a certain extent, I knew I needed someone who could love me and I could love back. I never showed that side of me. I never entertained those thoughts. In a different scenario, I was the ruthless mafia leader, but with Athena, I was so free and comfortable. The mere thought of her gave me peace.

All this aside, my dreams were always shattered whenever I remembered the person that I was. Athena had a life of her own, and she wouldn't trade it for a life with me. I knew she had to go back some day. It was my vow to her that I'd bring back the peace in her life.

Knowing she was safe from all danger was enough for me. I wanted to be the one she ran to for help, protection, comfort....I  wanted her to see me as a friend even in the slightest and not some animal.

I wasn't the most religious, but I did understand right from wrong and what I did for a living was far from right. I wanted to be there by her side without her looking at me like I'd hurt her. All this, I dreamt of. All this I hoped for. But all this was far too good to achieve, even for me.

When Athena got better after my terrible decision to let her run, she was angry. I could see and feel her rage and resentment towards me. I left her. I left her and gave her the space she wanted. It was hard for me not to be able to see her on a daily, but it was for the best.

My men kept me updated on how she was and what she did that day. I had to know. I made it my mission to keep her safe. Two days after I had withdrawn from Athena, I received a call from my men who were tailing Zara, it was bad.

Zara had killed a dozen of my men. I knew she was mad and she was ready to fight me to get what she wanted. I knew she was going after Athena. I was certain she knew Athena was with me, I wasn't too sure if she knew she was in my house.

I dedicated my days to getting any information about Zara, her plans, her whereabouts and what she knew about Athena. I found her after two weeks of searching. Although she was my sister, she was not going to make it easy for me. She put up a fight and made sure she inflicted maximum damage.

Three of my warehouses were burnt down and I knew she was mad and ready to get to me. Athena was in danger for sure. Zara was determined to get her and I was determined to not let that happen.

It was war, against my own sister. Shots were fired and a lot got hurt. I lost a number of my men that night and I was not happy. If Zara wanted a fight, that's exactly what I'd give her and I did. She was badly hurt too. I wasn't raised to fire shots to hurt, I shot to kill and if she did die, family aside, then so be it.

She took two bullets to the leg, one in her arm, one graze to her left arm and two to the stomach. I hurt her and I knew it. She would not be bothering Athena any time soon.

And as for me, well, let's just say I took one bullet too many. Three to the chest, one to the arm and two to my legs. I'm lucky to be alive if I think of it, but it's not really the first time I got this battered up. It was almost like unwanted guest. I able got away with minor injuries, I could easily handle a bullet wound fine, but a cast, that was just out of the picture.

Getting hurt that badly was a stretch. It was different this time around. I felt like the life was draining out of me with every drop of blood. I wanted to give up, on myself, but one thing pushed me to fight. Athena. I couldn't leave her, not now. 

Waking up from a coma and seeing her besides me made every bullet worth it. She was safe and there, with me. Even as an acquaintance, I was fine with it. She took care of me the whole time I was out. I appreciated that she even took the time to look at me, let alone care for me. I wanted to repay her, and I knew exactly how.

Athena and I were getting close, which long ago would have made me happy, but now brings me fear. Fear for the fact that she would want to leave. She would want to return to her normal life, and I couldn't actually give her much of a normal life.

I was scared, scared of losing the only light in my life, my centre of joy, peace and sanity. My retreat from my mess of a life.

I had to return her to her world. No matter what I wished for, she would never fit in in my world. I had to get ready to take her back. I would have to sever the little time I had with her.

It was just another painful morning filled with the usual, medication, bad news and lots of blubbering from my doctor. Until, she walked in. Seeing her warm contagious smile made me happy. It was nice not having to look at the same gloomy faces all day.

Her soft sweet voice echoed in my ears and gave me this unexplainable feeling. It was as if she put me in a trance, but I wasn't fighting it, I liked it. It was as if she had held me captive in her mesmerising eyes. Athena was my weakness, that much I could admit.

She was so caring, I wasn't sure if she was doing it out of pity or if she actually cared. But either way, I was content with the fact that she was comfortable around me, that was enough.

Athena and I spent the day together. I still couldn't walk as well, but I wasn't going to stay in bed, I hated confinement. Athena noticed and allowed me to walk around. She supported me whenever I stumbled on our short walk.

She shared so many stories with me. They were mostly stories that she had read from my library which I already knew, but I kept it to myself and just acted...ignorant.

She loved sharing what she had read with me and I loved listening. I treasured every second I was with her.

She never did bring up her family and friends, but I could tell, she missed them. Whenever she remembered a special memory of them, she looked down, I knew I had to let her go and it wouldn't be easy. I loved her but I couldn't bare seeing her so low, lost and confused. She was no prisoner. I could guarantee her safety, for now. I would return Athena to her world and like before, settle with the mere thought of her.

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