Chapter 17: Dare I Dream

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Athena's POV
I was back, back at my house. I was standing outside my door with Dean and three other men in black standing behind me, almost like shields.

I knocked at the door and out came a worried looking Seven. He tackled me and made me realise how much I really missed his scent. I missed my baby brother.

I cried at the sight of him. When he pulled away from me, he looked up and saw the men I was with. You could see the fear in his eyes as he stared at them. I took him into my arms and introduced him to Dean, mostly because he was the most approachable. He was frozen. I could understand him.

Dean never really left after that. He and his men did a thorough check of our house and the surrounding before they left. They entered our house and made sure everything was okay. I really appreciated all this, but their visit didn't go unnoticed. They were the type who stood out in the crowd and I feared my neighbours would ask questions. But they didn't seem bothered by attention, they were used to it.

They left after that and I was once again, alone with my bundle of joy. Seven and I spoke for hours as he bombarded me with questions as to where I had been and why I came with those men. I couldn't lie to him so, I told him everything.

Brady and Heather arrived later in the day and nearly squeezed the life out of me with their never ending hugs. Brady and Heather asked the same questions about my whereabouts and I had to explain everything all over again. Which was not fun. They kept asking question after question and I had had enough for one day.

I was finally going to sleep in my warm comfy bed after so long.

It was late out and Brady, Heather, Seven and I were in bed together. They had refused to leave, not that I wanted them to. They feared I'd be kidnapped or something.


I was home with my family and back in my world, but I felt so empty inside. I felt out of place in my own home. I kept thinking of Daniel. Of the nights we spent together. The stories we shared. Everything, I was missing it.

I was missing Daniel

I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him. Every time I sat in silence, I remembered him, his voice, his warmth, everything he had done for me. I remembered talking to him as he slept and enjoying every minute of it. I wanted to see him or at least hear him.

I couldn't understand anything that I was feeling, and why. I got out of bed and decided to drink some warm milk, it always put me to sleep. I walked out not waking any of them.

I had my glass of milk and sat on the couch. I remembered sitting besides him, talking about lots of things, and I missed that. I could feel myself getting drowsy and gave into sleep.
Waking up was no struggle. I woke up to shouting. I could hear everyone screaming my name.

"What's going on?!" I shouted in frustration and saw them running into the living room

"Oh thank God" Heather said breathing a sigh of relief, "We thought he had taken you again"

At this point, I really wished he did

"Well, as you can see, I'm still here" I said feeling sad.

"Don't do that again man! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Seven said all grumpy. I wasn't having this in the morning, so I went up to my room in silence and closed the door behind me.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock.

"What?" I said dragging every word

"May I come in?" I heard Brady's soft voice and allowed him to enter
"Are you alright Athena?" he asked

"Yah. Just not up for THEIR tantrums"

"Are you sure?"

Brady knew me well, well enough to notice that something WAS wrong. Even when I didn't notice a problem, he did, and was always there to help me find it and solve it.

"If I never knew better, I'd think you're not so happy to be home"

"It's not that, really"

"Then?" he said placing himself on the edge of my bed

"I don't know!", I said ruffling up my hair as I sat up, "I just don't know anymore. I'm happy to be back home, back with you guys, but then, there's a part of me that's's missing the time I spent with....Daniel" I whispered the last part

I looked at Brady wide-eyed at my statement, but he soon recovered.

"You...miss Daniel?" he asked hesitantly and I nodded in reply facing my feet.
"Wow!" he shouted and laughed getting my attention instantly

"Why? What's so funny"

"Girl, you're in love with a criminal" he said laughing even louder

"Don't say that!" I said slapping his thigh

"No no, it's not bad. It's BAAAADD!"

"You're not helping Brady" I said sulking

"Okay listen", he said scooting over to cuddle me, "it's not bad to fall in love with anyone, I would know. You can never really control matters of the heart if I should put it like that. If you feel you love him, truly, then don't hide it. Yes, he's a criminal, a bad one, like really, he's a mafia leader. Like how does one even fall for such, like..."

"Brady I get it!"

"....Okay, my point is, he's bad, that's a given, but if you feel you love him and you want him, then go for it. It's worth the risk right. Just be sure with what you feel. I can't tell you much Athena, it's not my heart, I wouldn't want you to be with such a man really, but I will support you because you're my little dumpling and I love you. I promised myself that I'd take care of you and that I'd keep you safe. That aside, I'd keep you happy and if he makes you happy, genuinely, I'll take the chance"

"Thank you Brady" I said hugging him.

"Anytime Gracy. But tell me this, do you love him?" he asked and for the first time, I said 'yes' and loved it.
"Dose he make you happy?" he asked and I nodded in reply
"Million dollar question, does he love you?"

"You know...I really don't know. His been really nice to me and has taken care of me and kept me safe from danger and he's even put his life in danger for me, but...he's never asked for anything in return. When he speaks to me, he's so calm and warm towards me. He's so attentive and intelligent. He's caring and funny when you get to know him. He's great company, and he's such a mystery, you can tell that he has so much to say but can't. I want to be the one he opens up to. And his eyes, they hold so much pain yet they are so.... I don't know how to explain it, he's just...."
I stopped when I saw Brady looking at me amazed. I had phased out and didn't even notice.

"You really love him, don't you?"

"I do"

"Well! We can't do much about it. So, we have to tell him and see how things go"

"What do you mean?"

"You have to tell him how you feel and hopefully, he won't have your head"

"He would never hurt me" I whispered as Brady placed a kiss on my head and left my room.

I felt like I was floating, my stomach was turning with excitement to see him again. I wasn't really sure if he would even want to see me after how I had treated him. Either way, I'd see him and like Brady said, 'see how it goes'.

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