Part 3 || dance project

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We're in school right now and I'm talking to Yeji, Sunghoon and my brother.

Jake: "you guys should totally come over later!"

Y/N: "yeah! It would be perfect our mom will be out for the night since she'll be with her friends so you guys don't have to see her"

Yeji: "sure sounds fun!" I was about to say something but someone bumped my shoulders making me drop all my stuff

Y/N: "what the heck Heeseung!" I asked him in an annoyed tone

Heeseung: "oops sorry... uhm you, would you be a dear and help our poor little y/n here with her stuff? It doesn't seem like she can do it. Maybe it's cause she's a wittle baby" he pouted his lips sarcastically and I got annoyed. He ordered one of his stupid bodyguards to pick up my stuff but I stopped him and picked it up myself

Y/N: "great I'm not in the mood anymore see you guys later" I said walking away from my group of friends while I glared at Heeseung

Heeseung's POV

As she walked away while glaring Yeji followed behind her and Jake started talking

Jake: "hyung why don't you even like my sister?"

Sunghoon: "yeah like dude she's so fun!"

Jungwon: "you should really get to know her more"

Jay: "just give it a try"

Niki: "come on hyung"

Heeseung: "oh come on guys it's just for fun right Jake?" I said wrapping my arm from the back of his neck and squished his face

Jake: "AHHH!" He hissed in pain and I pulled apart

Heeseung: "shoot dude are you ok? I'm sorry! But I don't think I did it hard"

Jake: "no no it's nothing something just happened"

Jay: "what happened"

Jake: "nothing... let's go we're gonna be late for class" as we started heading to class I walked behind Jake and Sunghoon to listen to what they were saying to each other while the others were talking amongst themselves in the back

Sunghoon: "was it bad?"

Jake: "not as bad as before but she got 2 and I got 1" 2? 1? Bad? what are they even talking about?

Sunghoon: "daaaang"

We entered class and I had to sit beside y/n. I was about to speak to apologize for being rude but the teacher came in and y/n started focusing *sigh*

Teacher: "alright enough!" She raised her voice causing the class to shut up "much better... anyway we will be having a project where you'll have to dance. This will be by partner AND before you ask no you cannot choose" the whole class groaned in annoyance "your partner is the one sitting next to you so I'll give you this period to communicate oh and one last thing the dance should be APPROPRIATE got it?!"

Class: "yes ma'am" great now I have to be partners with my number 1 competitor. I love dancing don't get me wrong but just not with her.


Ugh! Seriously?! It had to be him?! I'm not bad at dancing it's actually one of the things I enjoy but only Sunghoon Jake and Yeji know I dance. I can sing too but I love dancing more. It's helped me cope with all my anger I have for my mom. I just turn on a tune and start dancing to what I feel.

Heeseung: "Lets just discuss it in your house tomorrow I'll come over after sch-"

Y/N: "NO!" I cut him off my mom will be home tomorrow and if she finds out I'm bringing a friend, even worse a boy over she'll kill me! "U-uhh I mean cant we just go to your house?" I said chuckling in between my statement "isn't your house bigger? It'll be easier to practice there" he gave me a curious look but just rolled his eyes

Heeseung: "you just want to see my house don't you?" This bitch... I could just ARGH

Y/N: "I'll just come over after school ok? Now leave me alone" I said pushing his face away from me with my hands

Heeseung: "ugh get your filthy hands off me" He said grabbing my wrist removing it. As he checked himself sarcastically for dirt he was still holding my wrist and I smirked

Y/N: "says the one holding onto me" he shot his head to my direction in confusion like I was crazy and I just pointed at my wrist. He immediately let go and faced forward while I just snickered. This is gonna be interesting...

<time skip dismissal>

Yeji: "y/n!" I turned around and saw her running to me

Y/N: "hey gurl, we're just waiting for Sunghoon and my bro-"

Sunghoon: "we're here! Sorry" he said while both of them panted

Y/N: "yah! Did you 2 run all the way here?"

Jake: "yeah cause we couldn't keep the ladies waiting" Yeji and I both made a disgusted face while looking at each other

Yeji: "whatever let's go!"

Once we got home we just played around and watched some movies. I missed this... I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I haven't smiled in my home in like- forever! Although while we were enjoying ourselves I noticed Jake and Yeji always looking at each other. (Ok ik Yeji is older but let's just say they're the same age here) something's fishy but I shouldn't jump into conclusions. Right now I was sitting outside the balcony just watching the scenery in front of me. When suddenly someone sat beside me, I looked up to see who the person was and it was Sunghoon.

Sunghoon's POV

While I was sleeping I suddenly woke up, I don't know why but I just did. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to get some water but when I stood up I saw y/n on the balcony just staring at the open space. I got 2 glasses of water and sat down beside her.

Y/N: "oh! Sunghoon what are you doing up so late? It's already 12am" I said handing her her glass of water before answering

Sunghoon: "shouldn't I be asking the same to you?" We both chuckled and we took a sip of our water

Y/N: "actually..." she started but trailed off "I was just thinking about... well everything" I didn't say anything which made her turn to my direction

Sunghoon: "go ahead I'm listening" she smiled and faced forward again to which I did the same.

Y/N: "I don't even know l, actually I'm thinking about my mom, my dad, you guys, and Jake. Ugh I forgot I still have that stupid dance project thing with Heeseung" I didn't respond to which we stayed silent for a few seconds "aren't you partners with my brother?"

Sunghoon: "actually Jay is my partner, Jake's partner is Yeji"

Y/N: "did you notice something going on between them a while ago?" I laughed knowing she thought the same thing

Sunghoon: "yeah I feel like they'll end up together" we both chuckled then stayed quiet for a while. Not an awkward one a comforting one.

Sunghoon: "y/n do you like someone?"

Y/N: "w-what?"

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