Part 20 || she's awake

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<time skip 1 year later>

Jake's POV

It's been 1 year and y/n is still in a coma. I was able to get out of my parents house and I live in a pretty decent apartment. My dad found out about everything and divorced my mom then kicked her out of the house. I don't know where she is but I honestly don't care. My dad retired and is staying in our original home just lazing around.  I got a job as well at a cafe to earn money since I'm planning to make a coffee shop of my own when y/n wakes up. Yeji and I are still together and we're both really happy. Enhypen and I are still all very close and Heeseung... he became the new CEO of his family's company so he's hella rich. We still hangout but not as often since he's busier than the rest of us. Right now I'm getting ready to visit y/n. I bought some flowers and drove to the hospital.


Once I entered doctors and nurses started running around looking all stressed.

Jake: "what is happening?" I asked one of the nurses

Nurse: "the patient in room 203 is having an emergency" she immediately left and I just remembered

Jake: "y/n is in room 203!" I said to myself and sprinted towards her direction. Doctors and nurses were coming in and out while I could just watch from afar. "Please tell me what is happening she's my sister!"

Doctor: "this morning she woke up and the machines started acting up so right now she's currently unable to breathe. We have to get her windpipe working again or else she'll suffocate" no no no no no! They did the best they can and I called Yeji to meet me here and told her about everything.

Yeji: "Jake!" I look up and hugged her once I saw her "how is she? Is she okay?" Just before I was about to answer a doctor came out

Jake: "doc please tell me she's ok"

Doctor: "she's fine, she's awake now you can go in and see her" Yeji and I both smiled brightly and we hugged each other in happiness.

We entered her room to see her lying down staring at the ceiling.

Jake: "oh my gosh y/n! I miss you so much!" She turned her attention to us and I hugged her and started crying

Yeji: "finally you're awake!"

Y/N: "hey guys I missed you so much..." she said hugging back. Gosh I missed this.

Jake: "you're ok? How are you feeling?" She smiled

Y/N: "I feel good... so tell me what's been happening and is ling was I in a coma?" she said placing her full attention on us. Yeji and I sat down on a chair and we told her everything that's happened. I told her everything I've been up to as well as Enhypen

Y/N: "wow I can't believe I missed all that!"

Yeji: "I know! I can't believe you weren't with me for a whole year! It was so lonely" she pouted

Jake: "hey!" I playfully slapped her

Yeji: "you know what I mean" we chuckled

Y/N: "well I'm glad everyones fine"

Jake: "yeah but it's still a bit awkward between me and Heeseung but we're fine I guess "

Y/N: "I'm sorry but... who's Heeseung?"

Heeseung's POV

Right now I'm in my office working on some papers. Weird huh I'm 19 and I'm already the CEO of one of the biggest companies in Korea. Anyway things have been fine but of course Jake and I are still kinda awkward but we've grown closer again. I still love y/n and I always will. When she wakes up I'm gonna win her back. On the subject of y/n I've actually been paying for her bills but no one knows. I paid at least 3/4 of her bills and Jake paid 1/4. I could pay for everything but I knew if he found out he wouldn't like it so I paid for 3/4 so it wouldn't be obvious. He'd think I'm pitying him but I just really wanna be part in helping her out even if I don't get to visit her anymore. Yeah I haven't been able to visit y/n in a year. Last time I saw her was her birthday...

Worker: "Mr. Lee?" My worker came and knocked on the door

Heeseung: "come in"

Worker: "one of our investors are on the phone and they were wondering in they could talk to you?" I nodded

Heeseung: "ok transfer them to line 3" he nodded and went out of my office

Jake's POV

Y/N: "I'm sorry but... who's Heeseung?" I stared at her in shock with my mouth wide open and Yeji the same

Jake: "you don't remember?"

Y/N: "I remember everyone in your story except the guy named Heeseung and mom beating me up" but why?

Yeji: "Wait y/n I just need to get something from the car. Jake can you come with me I don't know where you parked" she gave me a play-along face and I nodded

Jake: "sure, we'll be back y/n" I said as we exited the hospital room

We approached the doctor of y/n immediately grabbed his attention

Yeji: "doc why doesn't she remember some things?"
He looked confused

Doctor: "what are you talking about? In my report it says here she's fine"

Jake: "we told her some stories but then there are some people she doesn't remember" He looked alarmed

Doctor: "but she remembers you guys?" We both nodded "ok let me go check up on her" we nodded and he entered the room. We watched her from the glass outside and saw the doctor checking her heart beat asking some questions and what not. He came out with a nervous face

Yeji: "what's wrong?"

Doctor: "she has... she has short term amnesia" I widened my eyes

Jake: "what?! Will her memories come back?!"

Doctor: "there is a possibility but it's gonna take some time. Don't force it all on her at once"

Yeji: "ok.."

Doctor: "also it seemed like the memories she forgot are the memories she felt the most emotion with" mom and Heeseung!

Jake: "oh ok, thank you doc" he left and me and Yeji looked at each other

Yeji: "I'm guessing your mom is out of the picture so do we tell Heeseung and the others?"

Jake: "NO! I'm not letting Heeseung into y/n's life again!"

Yeji's POV

He stormed off and went inside y/n's room. *sigh* he's just angry maybe he'll cool down. I went in following behind Jake to see him and y/n talking. I sat down beside him and I smiled at both of them.

Yeji: "did you tell her?" I whispered to Jake

Jake: "no I didn't, I don't think she'll be able to handle it and anyway I don't want her going near Heeseung anymore" was he just angry at the whole situation or did he really not want y/n and Heeseung to meet anymore?

Yeji: "but how are you gonna keep her a secret from him?" I whispered back into his ear. Y/n didn't notice us because she was happily eating the food the nurse brought in earlier.

Jake: "let's just change her up a bit and say she's a new friend. We can tell Enhypen but not Heeseung"

Yeji: "I don't think that's a good idea babe"

Jake: "just please help me with this..." he gave me that puppy dog face and I rolled my eyes since I couldn't resist

Yeji: "fine but just so you know I'm not liking this plan of your"

Jake: "yes thank you!" He kissed me and I kissed back.

Y/N: "so you guys still haven't answered my question" she said focusing on us

Jake: "which one?"

Y/N: "who's Heeseung?"

Spoiled Rich Kid (HeeseungXreader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα