sitting duck

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The 1A group chat had been pretty quiet for the past few hours as the class had gotten on the bus to go to their training camp.

(y/n) sat on her bed in discomfort and slight nervousness, simply staring at the half dead plant that stood on her windowsill. 

She had planned on going to the police about the people who had added her, since they were most likely not good people. The problem was that she had no screenshots of the messages and the archive for any texts she received or sent to the chat were deleted. It'd be impossible for police to take her seriously.

She felt like a sitting duck, waiting in preparation for a predator to come snatch away her peaceful life. Her window was shut with the blinds open, allowing sunlight to come and refresh the dying rose that sat in its pot.

Her phone buzzed and she looked down to see that Shinsou had simply left a reaction picture responding to the last conversation that had happened. He only seemed to respond in emojis or reaction pictures, which confused Iida to no end.

She marked the message as read and went back to staring at the rose.

(l/n) watches in silence as a petal falls from the rose and sinks into the dry dirt of the pot. It looks unnatural, the strange feeling that something is missing in a picture. That something is off in a situation.

( Later on, she wishes she knew that the rose hadn't been what was wrong in the picture, but the glint of pointed metal from outside her window. )


so next update may come a bit later, simply because i need to plan out the rest of the story. i wanna try and end this book a little earlier than i had originally planned so i can focus on shark bait and maybe, just maybe make a haikyuu book.

have a good week, love you all, muah <3

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