its rude not to say hello

211 17 2

it smells like a room at 3am. wooden and still,
buzzing heater sounds, and a car driving past my window. Faint smell of clothes that beg to be washed.

the closet door is open.


and I sit here in the dark again
Watching the black through the spaces and then again the black through the window
With little feeling of fear

both so shielded and so open
the shirts hang in my closet,
I'm waiting for them to move, a black
Bending hand waiting to reach

That they should frighten me as they would
The mystery behind them and the many monsters they're filled with should terrify

but not now when I crave an excitement beyond myself

What I am afraid of is watching and just as empty


Sometimes I wish that the ghosts that watch me back would poke their fingers through to let me know that I am not the only terrifying thing in this room.

Untitled Anthology for the 20 somethings  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora