Author's Note

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Hey guys! We're reading through all the comments we've gotten and omigod, wow. Thank you all so much! We love you all so much, and we're so thankful. We seriously thought that this book would go nowhere, no one would like it. Whenever we see that we have a new comment, we die when we read it. You all are too sweet and too nice. We thank you all for everything. We wouldn't be anywhere without you all. We love you all, and thank you. A lot of you are requesting a sequel, someone even said they would die if we didn't make one! You guys are too cute. If you want to know all the details on it we will be releasing information about it tonight, 12/27/12 at 9PM EST. If you would watch it'd be amazing. We'd love you more than we already do. It will be over twitcam, so follow our twitter @yourmommmm90

We love to talk to you all, so if you need to talk about ANYTHING, and I mean anything, please contact us. You can email us, message us, tweet us, we don't care. Just please talk to us. We want to be close to you all and we want to be those people who talk and communicate with the fans instead of not even noticing you. So please talk to us! :) Email us here: Tweet us here: @yourmommmm90

Thank you all so much. We wanna cry because of all the sweet comments and everything you have done for us. So, thank you so much, and we will update soon. Make sure to watch our twitcam tonight, info above.

Much love,


Sara and Madi <3

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