Chapter Six - The Other Stray

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They had come to an arrangement with Liam and he was coming to join them the following Monday, although he had a week to prepare the room, Harry was up in the spare room getting it ready for him immediately while Louis and Niall leant in the doorway watching him.

"Is this what he was like before I came?" Louis asked and Niall chuckled,

"Nah, he was worse, he had to make your room 'perfect'." Niall said and Harry sent him a look to tell him to shut up while he put the last pillow now in its case on the bed. The room was quite bare compared to all the other rooms in the house as It was the one they used least.

However, Liam was going to be coming with most of his belongings so it worked out quite well, since he'd have the space to put them.

When Harry turned back to the others it was to find Louis looking rather smug and Niall smirking and Harry grabbed the pillow he'd just put on the bed and threw it towards them.

"Oi" Louis said having caught the flying pillow as Niall laughed and then turned and walked off to his room saying,

"You know, you don't need to be jealous of Liam, Lou. Harry doesn't fancy him."

This time Niall had the pillow thrown at him and Harry felt the usual butterflies swarm in him when he picked up on the signs of Louis being into him too.

"I needed that," He frowned because Niall had caught the pillow too and taken it into his room, closing the door behind him.

"Shouldn't have thrown it at me then, should you." Louis told him as Harry moved out of the room and to where Louis was still standing.

"I wasn't aiming for just you," Harry countered, raising an eyebrow. "And now I can't finish Liams room."

"Such a shame," Louis joked and Harry smiled nudging Louis' arm as he went to move past him and go downstairs.

"Don't worry, Darling, I'll still cuddle you the most when Liam gets here."

He was very aware of the growing blush on Louis' face as they walked down the stairs and tried not to feel too victorious because he knew Louis would only be able to make him blush worse.

"Yeah too right," Louis replied as they walked into the kitchen. "Although what kind of cuddling are you on about, you hardly ever cuddle me."

"You want to be cuddled more?" Harry asked as they walked into the kitchen and Louis' eyebrow rose.

"I wouldn't be against it."

"Me either," Harry told him and Louis moved to sit up on the stool of the breakfast bar smiling and watching Harry as he walked over to the other side of the kitchen.

He had decided when he woke up it was the perfect day to try his hand at baking bread and he went over to where he'd left a load of dough to rise.

"How's it look?" Louis asked.

"Doubled in size, kind of squishy." Harry replied and Louis grinned grabbing a pencil from in front of him and Harrys journal and he opened it to a new page. "What are you writing?"

He looked curiously over at Louis as he put flour on the side, brushing the flour off his hands and he walked around the counter to look.

"A poem," Louis said.

"If it's sexual again-" Harry said, because his journal was now littered with small 'poems' which were basically Louis experimenting with rhyming swear words.

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