Chapter 23: Park Of Betrayal

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She pulled back, genuinely curious where she would go with this.

---Marinette's POV---

I sighed and started fiddling with my designs again. I always thought I could handle not having internet or anything, but it was actually pretty hard. Deciding to go to the park, I put my sketchbook in my bag and threw on my disguise.

"Fresh air Tikki?"

The little Kwami smiled up at me, then flew into my bag, settling on top of the sketchbook where she could sort of see out the top.

I walked out of the building. It's been a few days since Tearlip, and I haven't been outside since. Normally I would stay inside, but not going to school made me a little stir crazy. 

"I'm glad you and Nino made up Marinette!" Tikki whispered from my bag. I moved her up and under my wig so I could talk to her easier without looking absolutely crazy. 

"You have made up with him right?"

"I'm not sure Tikki. Sort of?"

I could feel her settling in my hair, trying to get comfortable. 

"How can you sort of make up with a person?"

"Like, I'll talk to him. We can be friends, but I still don't fully trust him. Does that make sense?"

Tikki said nothing under my wig. I sighed again and chuckled a little as she moved and tickled me. Surely if someone saw me I would look completely crazy, but there wasn't anyone around this part of town.

My thoughts drifted to Nino. He had been so happy to see me. Had he really worried that much? He had barely talked at all towards the end, just comforting me when I needed it.  He didn't say anything that I could remember the day in class. 

Still, my trust had completely shattered. Who could blame me? The way Alya looked at me. The way she screamed. Like I was worse than Chloe. The way that Adrien said my name. Not particularly aggressive, but confused. Like he had just lost all faith in me at the same time I lost it in them. The glares from those who I barely spoke to, as well as those who I hung out with on a daily basis.

I didn't want to, but I still cared. Just a little. Just enough to be Ladybug. Enough to save them without chewing their heads off about what bad friends they were. Like I had done to Nino when he found me. The poor boy looked utterly defeated at the sight. 

I wondered what he thought of me now. Would he keep his promise not to tell anyone where I was? Why should I believe him? He said we were fiends once, was that a lie too? That we were best buds? We were close for a long time before I ever met any of the others. I had always stuck up for him didn't I?

My thoughts were interrupted by the realization that I had reached the park already. I was completely in autopilot, nearly walking into the bakery out of habit. One that I would have to break. I turned to see two familiar girls hugging. 

The two girls I hated most in life right now. More that Chloe. The sneaky, backstabbing, betraying, lying,  sly girls who had broke me. My ex friend and my mortal enemy. Hugging like nothing was wrong. Like THEY had been besties. And any shred of compassion I held for Alya at that moment disappeared from my heart.

If Nino had seen through her how was Alya still by her side? After everything she said to me as Ladybug?

Tikki couldn't see, but she could tell I was upset. She adjusted herself in a position that comforting. 

"Somethings wrong Marinette. Let's head back."

"Yeah." It was barely more than a whisper, but it was enough. 

---Alya's POV---

The only other person in the park, was a girl I had never seen before. That ment that most likely, she wouldn't bother me and Lila. That was good. 

"I was blind Lila. I didn't want to see the truth when it was right in front of my eyes just because I felt like I knew better. No more. My rose colored glasses have been swapped back for my normal ones and I can see the world clearly again."

I hugged Lila tighter,  mostly to cover my face. I was desperately trying to gag and while I had a decent poker face, I was pretty sure my face wasn't pretty.

"It's fine Als. I'm just glad you got away from her. If she was this mean to me, I can only imagine what she would do to you considering..."

I pulled back, genuinely curious where she would go with this.

"Forget I said anything." She said, starting up her crocodile tears once more and covering her faced in shame. She would be in REAL shame when I was done with her.

" Come on Lila. What's got you crying now?"

"I just. I saw her and..."

The sobbing was getting hysterical at this point and I was having a hard time not rolling my eyes. 


" He was always so protective of her and and it kinda made sense considering how close they were..."

"Lila. Get to the point. What's got you so upset. What did Marinette do to you?"

"N Not to mee, they were always so close. Childhood friends and all but I really didn't know..."

"LILA. Please use your words."

The liar looked up at me. I can't believe it took me so long to see through her. Deceit poured off the girl. It was something I had become very familiar with as the holder of the fox miraculous. Deceit, illusion, camouflage, call it what you like it is based off of streaching the truth. A dark side to my abilities I never liked to admit. 

Every miraculous had a dark side.  For the fox, the ability to fool others came with some more obvious negative connotations. The bee had been used for misdeeds as often as it was to help. The turtle was less obvious, but that shield held a huge punch if used right. It could defend against anything, but that ment it was also as tough as the strongest material. Maybe only breakable by cataclysm.

"Alya please PLEASE don't be mad."

"Please Lila. Just say what you need to say. Okay?"

She nodded, unable to keep the smirk off her face for a moment. Her true self showing through her façade.

"Nino and Marinette were dating behind your back."

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